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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Upper, Middle, Lower, what now?

So I've realized something. Middle, and lower management at the company I work for, and Dr. Phil have a lot in common. They both exist solely to take the blame for someone elses choices. People don't listen to Dr. Phil because the man is some sort of genius, they listen to Dr. Phil because when his advice invariably doesn't work, they are freed from responsibility. 'Its Dr. Phil's fault, not mine'.

Same with managers. They get the corporate line drilled into their heads until they're perfect yes men. Then the people who actually make decisions ask them questions. They know the response will always be what they want to hear, and thats the point. When their stupid plans, such as forcing employees to play 'morning games' or giving workers exactly 60 seconds to punch in, go wrong, they can point their finger at the sacrificial lamb of middle to lower management. 'Its middle manager Timmy's fault, he thought it was a brilliant idea, not mine.' Thus blame gets passed down the system. The bigger the mistake the further the blame gets shunted and the more low level peons are fired.

I guess what I'm trying to say by all this then, is accept responsibility for your damn lives. Your life is yours to live and that means accepting full responsibility for all your actions. Life is a difficult and hard experience, but its difficult and hard for everyone. Everyone makes mistakes in life, the key is to accept those mistakes, learn from them, and move on, not to pass the buck down the line to someone else so you can gain a modicum of short term happiness. No one, especially not Dr. Phil, has a shortcut to happiness in life, its not a commodity you can buy in the grocery store prepackaged and ready to be lightly warmed.

In summation, if life was ment to be easy it'd be microwaveable.


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