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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Spinning in Circles

Ahhh new console release day, a day in which people who preordered 12 months ago or stood in line for a minimum of 12 hours finally get their long awaited system. Alternatively it is a day in which people who preordered last week, or stood in line a whooping 1 hour come in and scream in your face about why they can't have a new game system today. Using things such as logic, or heaven forbid facts, will avail you not for these people NEED their precious console. Telling them that people have been waiting since 10 pm last night only enrages them further.

All in all, Xbox 360 release day wasn't to bad. By noon most of the retards that were screaming at employees and managers about how they'd waited in line since 9 in the morning, or objected to the fact that we handed out vouchers at 8 in the morning to a crowd of 50 had mostly dispersed. Now all we have to deal with is the occasionally enraged phone call, or clueless parent who wanders in every two or three hours.

Honestly though folks, and I can't stress this enough, just wait. I know little Jimmy won't be able to have his Xbox in time for Christmas, but I think he'd be just as happy with a 400 dollar gift card to EBGames which he could use for anything he wanted. Lets face it as well, the early adopter gets screwed. He's been getting screwed since the days of ye' old Playstation 1. Screwed with a buggy console, features that get added 6 months later, and screwed by a release schedule which will change 2 weeks after the systems initial release. If you want a better reason why you should wait, how about this. Microsoft is in this thing for the long haul. They see Sony as the enemy, and are going all out to win this thing. This time around Microsoft is actually earning money on every system sold. Sony won't be, their production costs on the chip alone is $175 dollars. Microsoft already has plans to derail the PS3's launch, with the release of Halo 3, but that won't be enough. Think of how much a sudden price drop to $350 would derail Sony's new system. Not only will Sony have to scramble to change their price strategy, they'll be losing even more money for each system sold, a position they can ill afford given their recent financial postings.

So those of us who chose to wait on buying a new console will get a better deal overall. They system will have the bugs worked out, have more games and be cheaper. The only thing one gets from buying now is the experience of being the first on the block to own one.


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