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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Round Hole, Square Peg

There's a big round hole in my soul these days. The more I try and plug that hole with things the more I discover those things just don't fit. The more I try and make that round hole square, the more it hurts. Living with that hole is killing me. I can try and do what most of the world does and pretend that hole doesn't exist, but its all so hollow and fake. I'm tired, and I'm broken. Everytime I try and put myself back together I find I don't have enough pieces. I'm like the jigsaw puzzle you got when you were 5, perpetually one piece short. Over time you just stop pulling that puzzle out, you don't want to look at it.

People tell me I need to do things for myself, get me happy again. I try to, everyday I try to, but everytime I climb through all the pain and smile and laugh it only makes the hole that much more glaring. Unfortunatly, there's nothing I can do to fix it, I can't even go back to pretending that it wasn't there in the first place. All I can do is hope that eventually I learn to live with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

11:19 PM


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