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Saturday, November 26, 2005

A Darkness Descends

Well Black Friday has come and gone leaving me more tired and irritable for the experience. It really baffles me sometimes how stupid people can be. Now, don't misunderstand me, I'm as cheap as the next guy so I understand the impulse to wait in line all night to purchase something at sixty to seventy percent off, especially on the big ticket items, it’s the bitching about standing in line I don't get. It’s Black Friday people, standing in line for three or four hours AFTER you've picked up your items should be expected. Complaining that you've waited in line for a whole hour is like bitching to a Six Flags employee on a pleasant Saturday July afternoon about the 'insanity' of having to wait in line for your favorite roller coaster, its asinine and anyone who does it should be taken to the front of the store, publicly laughed at, and kicked out.

What makes it even more ridiculous is the fact that Black Friday has come a long way from the seeming waves of people who'd pour into a store and rip things off the shelf like plagues of locusts only a few years ago. There are roped off lines, rather then a push and shove to get to the counter mentality. There are vouchers given out for the most wanted items rather then let customers push and fight to get the last one. There is more stock on the shelves rather then the five of every sales item that there used to be. Honestly the whole process is much more streamlined then it was as few as three years ago, so it seems stupid that people would still complain about having to wait in line when just about everything else that made Black Friday miserable has been eliminated.

In summation, don't bitch about having to wait in line, when you've knowingly placed yourself in a position where you know you're going to have to wait in line. Bring something to do, and just wait like a normal, reasonable person.


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