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Monday, March 27, 2006

Whats the hold-up?

Just wanted to apologize for the delay in posting stuff to this blog. While I never intended this thing to be delay, I did figure I'd post more then once a month. I really need to get off my ass and fix the internet connection at my home.

Anyways, not much has been going on here. We had another movie night with a few folks last night. We watched Basketball, then American Splendor. American Splendor was actually pretty good, and I recommend it. I know a bit about Crumb since my dad is a bit of a fan, but I'd never actually heard of Harvey Pekar. Harvey is apparently a real life person who writes about his daily experiences in a comic book called American Splendor which is drawn by various artists such as Crumb. I really liked the story, there's a bit of a happy ending at the end, but Harvey doesn't become rich or famous, the small bit of fame he does have doesn't really lead him anywhere. At the end of the film he's still a file clerk, who writes a comic book on the side. Sure there's change in his character by the end, but its real life change, not the 'I'm driving a porsche and living in a mansion' change you see in way to many Hollywood movies.

Anyways, one of Harvey's defining characteristics is that he's constantly losing his voice. About halfway through the movie, my friend Kirby was trying to make some crack and his voice cracks exactly like Harvey's. We died laughing (or at least I did) for close to 3 minutes. After we'd finished laughing though we brought up the subject of a 'Loft' comic again. We've brought up the subject several times before, even when we all used to hang out at Gameopolis, but we've always come back to the same sticking point, none of us are visual artists. That was pretty much the sticking point last night as well, but I have to admit the idea has always had a bit of appeal to me. Ever since I first started reading Penny-Arcade back when it was pretty much them, User Friendly, and PVP, the idea of doing an online comic has always intrigued me. Now adays though the web is full of talented people (and untalented hacks for that matter) doing all manner of internet comics. Don't get me wrong I still think the idea of a comic staring charactures of all of us would be funny as hell, its just that its likely to be a rather thankless task given the mass of other comics on the net. So unless one of us spontaneously gains the ability to draw through some freak industrial accident involving a microwave, two tons of toxic waste, and a burrito its likely to just remain a nice dream.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Well we have a microwave, I can get a burrito so all we need now is the toxic waste. Hey maybe your Dad can find some. I am game. What the hell if it works then *Bingo* I have talent. If not then I end up a twisted deformed freak. Hmm no real downside.

Let's go for it!

May the Force be with you


12:55 PM


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