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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Attack of the Blahs

Its been a fairly blah week for me. I won't say its been the worst week of my life, I've got many more that could top it, and it hasn't been without its ups, its just been very blah. Mostly it revolves around work. To put it simply, I'm tired.

I'm tired of showing up here day after day and getting little to no respect. I'm tired of being treated like I'm a third rate person. I'm tired of being looked down on. I'm tired of feeling like any mistake that happens here is my fault, and I'm tired of being screamed at by customers who don't understand how to work the 1,200 dollar piece of equipment they just bought. We're talking about the greatest invention of the 20th century, and one of the most advanced pieces of machinery existing in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of things that could go wrong with any given PC and people simply expect them to run non-stop with zero problems, without them having to know one shred of information about them. When something does inevitably go wrong its obviously your fault, because god forbid someone learn anything about a piece of equipment they spent thousands of dollars on. -=sigh=-

I'm also tired of being yelled at for things that are beyond my control. Today we got yelled at about not doing enough 'volume' in PC services, and home PC installs. By not enough volume, they mean not doing the insane $550+ dollars in installs a day they'd like to see, and over a thousand on weekends. For those of you keeping track, thats roughly 18,000 dollars a month, subtract the 8,000 they pay for salaries in a month, and you get $10,000 in pure profit. We don't come anywhere near that here at the moment. However, we do ensure that they make money off of us, which in my mind is enough.

My car is still dead, and it looks like I'm just completly out of luck as far as it is concerned. No one is giving any deals what so ever on a new or used vehicle thanks to those 'Employee discount' sales they were running a year ago. I really don't know whats going to happen. I need a car, but I'm going to end up paying 3 times as much for one as I would have last year, even used.


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