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Tuesday, January 17, 2006


So I was having a good day today, planning on relaxing after I got off work. I wasn't happy about the cut in hours I got for the week but I figured it was one time thing but until an hour ago I was still having a pretty good day. Then the insane customers started comming.

I've got one woman screaming at me that her network card doesn't work anymore. She brought in a computer for a RAM install, and nothing else. I spent 10 minutes trying to explain how installing an additional 512 mb of RAM has nothing to do, what so ever with her Network hardware, but she just screamed at me and said it was suspicious that before she brought it in everything worked just fine, and after it didn't work at all. She's going to hit the roof when she finds out the labor is non-refundable.

I've got another customer yelling at me about his video card. He claimed there was a 9550 Radeon in his computer, and wanted to know why he couldn't play his games. I should have opened it up before I even took his money, and for that I'm an idiot, but he was making a big enough fuss about having to pay 60 bucks for a diagnostic that I forgot. Turns out, surprise surprise, its not a Radeon at all. Its a low end PNY GeForce card. Nothing was working because he tried to force Radeon drivers on the PNY card, on top of drivers installed for an even older GeForce.

Then I've got customer issues that I know nothing about because no one has left me a single note. Nothing. There are two computers here, one thats been in the shop before, and another whose only note is, call the customer. Call the customer? I just turned the thing on and it doesn't work. What am I suppose to tell him, that his computer doesn't work?

On top of all this, my hours have been cut in half again. Now I'm barely getting 12 hours next week. I think this is the real reason I'm stressed. I can't live on 12 hours a week, and its freaking me out. I knew this was going to happen to, so its not like I'm surprised, just angry and kind of hurt. Despite what the managers think, I work hard here. If it wasn't for me most of the computers wouldn't get fixed. Hell the computer thats back in here again on the table with no note was supposed to originally get a new HD since the old one was acting funny. About the only thing I can tell about the machine though, is that no new HD was ever installed, which means the technician I handed the project off to when I left for the night just called the woman up and told her, her computer was fixed without doing a damn thing. The managers don't see this though. To them, the fact that I'm sitting here reading stuff on the internet means I need to be let go. They don't see that I'm only doing this after I've fixed all the computers in my queue, straightened the software aisles, restocked the RAM, and checked tags along the Hardware aisles. I guess its the fact that I feel I'm underappreciated so much that hurts, while someone like my other co-worker who does no real work but kisses ass seems to never get in trouble.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

I hear you Ben. Oh yes I hear you loud and clear.

Those bastards!

Yes you need a good job. I wish I had the cash to invest in your internet cafe/computer repair place, cause it would be cool and a money maker. But in the mean time I will keep my ears to the ground for any opprotunities.

Hang in there, I have also been on the Retail blame coaster. They never seem to see the hard work that you do. Oh and don't get me started on "ass-kissers". I hate them.

We all stand behind you, this you know. If there is anything I can do just give the word. I can hide bodies real well too. But you did not hear that from me.

See you tomorrow Ben.

May the Force be with you


6:01 PM


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