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Tuesday, January 17, 2006


So I haven't really posted in awhile again. There hasn't been all that much to talk about really. Everyone's finally back at college as of today, Todd left yesterday, so its kind of quiet around the loft. There are upsides to this of course, I've got time to play one player video games, but I do miss folks now that they're gone. I hope everyones taking care of themselves during their first week back at college (except Neal whose been back for awhile), and nothing too dramatic has happened.

I'm thinking about shaving again. I've had the mustache and beard since I was a sophmore in college, which seems like ages ago, so there's that going against it. There's also the number of customers who've commented that all of 'us' techs have the exact same facial hair, which gets on my nerves. I had this beard first, damnit, don't copy off me! And yes before you say anything, I realize how silly that is.

I had a good time yesterday painting with Melissa, Todd, and Matt. I didn't get to do anything I'd planned, but it turns out I'd forgotten all about MLK Day so everywhere I was planning on going was closed.

Not much else going on. I've answered all the questions on my blog so far, I should probaby torment a few more people by posting on theres but thats about it.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Hey Ben

Painting was awesome, as was the company. Good times.

See you soon

May the Force be with you


6:05 PM


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