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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hi-ho, Hi-ho.

Its back to work I go, after two hectic days off, I'm once more back up at the service counter. With my direct manager gone I've pretty much lost the wonderful schedule I used to enjoy that made me feel almost like I had a real job. Gone are the 9 to 5 days with weekends off, replaced instead by complete randomness. According to the person setting up the schedules this is because the old schedule was unfair. One of my coworkers has open availability for the next two weeks, and its just not fair to him that I should open every day, and he should close. I really need to move on and find a new job.

Sherman showed up at my work today. I haven't seen that kid in ages, he still owes me for fixing two computers, but he completly avoided me rather then pay up, again. Kids starting to get in my nerves.

In the good news department though, I fixed another computer today. Its only a PII, but it seems to be in pretty good shape other then a tempermental video card. At least I'm finally clearing out all my broken computer parts.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

My sympathies and prayers are with you with the loss of your "Cool" manager.

Fixing things is fun.

You know if that room is dead to you how can you fix something from within it? Wouldn't it be dead to you as well? OH MY GOD! You are bringing dead things back to life!!!!!!


May the Force be with dead thing raising dead raiser.


10:54 AM


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