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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Gaming for the masses

So we started reading the back issues of Ctrl+Alt+Del last night, something I haven't done in ages, and now here I am at work, still reading the damn things when I ran into this one.

All I have to say, is that it pretty much sums up what I'm looking for in a woman right now.

Gaming is a pretty big chunk of my life. Thats not to say I spend every waking moment gaming and doing absolutely nothing else, but I do spend a significant part of my available free time playing video games, roleplaying, playing miniature games, or doing something gaming related. I don't think that gaming is a waste of time, childish, or even immature. Contrary to what folks like Dr. Phil might have you think gaming isn't just for twelve year olds, nor is it 'just a phase'. Its my hobby. Some people knit, some people fix cars, some people juggle geese, I game.

That said however, I'm aware that a relationship is a two way street. I know that a relationship isn't just about what I need, or what I want, its about our needs and our wants. Sacrifices have to be made by both individuals since no two people have the same interests, and thats a good and healthy thing, especially in a relationship, unless of course you're such a narcisist that the only person you can see yourself with is you of course. With gaming though, it seems like unless you happen to find one of these mythical gaming girls there is a zero tolerance policy.

I don't want to be with someone that my gaming almost feels like I'm cheating on them. I know far to many married guys who literally have to create a complicated series of events in order to sneak out of the house simply to make it down to 'ye olde gaming shoppe' once every other month. Their wives scream at them so much for playing the odd video game every now and again, that it almost sounds like there's another woman in the relationship. I want to be with someone who doesn't see mylove gaming as competition for my love for them, but something that we can both share and enjoy.

Unfortunatly for me, while more and more women are finally getting into gaming, it seems like the trend started below my age group. Finding someone my age is still like finding some ancient lost Aztec city in the wilderness of the amazon. Next to in-fucking possible.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

You preach it buddy.

Looking for love is like the proverbial needle in a haystack.

May the Force be with us all


5:42 PM

Blogger Todd M. Stephanuik said...

Juggle geese. Great reference. Props.

10:29 PM


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