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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Short Post

I swear, I work with five year olds here, and I'm so sick of it. While I prefer a more laid back environment some of the shit these people do is insane. The straw that broke the camels back though is what happened this morning. One of the idiot salesman came up behind me with the damn bullhorn, held it next to my ear, and squelched it at full volume. I'm not sure if people are aware, but high volume noise like that hurts, and not just a little bit. I yelled out in pain, cluching my ear, and this asshole runs off laughing. Meanwhile my ear is still ringing, and I have a massive headache. What did the managers do? Oh, don't do it again.

I don't wanna sound like I'm whining, and I definatly don't wanna have the kind of 'oh poor me, the world hates me' type of blog I see so often, but damnit I'm pissed, and I've got a huge headache now.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Sucks ass. Which one of the salesmen? I feel the need to be an asshole, A REAL BIG ASSHOLE.

Nah Ben you ain't never gonna fall into that trap. You are way to stable for that. You have a legitimate gripe. You said your peace and were done with it. I could have gone on for days, and would have 6 months ago. You are not now or ever have been whiny, well for as long as I have known you.

See you Saturday!

May the Force be with you


11:42 PM


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