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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

More on naming.

When I first started this blog a month ago, I thought to myself, "Self, using your actual name as the URL probably isn't the smartest idea under the seven suns." At the time, however, I really wasn't all that concerned about it. If someone really wants to find out who you are online, they're going to get that information, regardless of how much security you put up, and honestly who takes the crap that people spew online seriously? Well, after reading this post on slashdot, it looks like I'm going to need to change my tune.

To me, the net is 99% made up statistics (like that one) and hot air, with about 1% actual content. The idea that anyone would take something said online seriously, let alone something said on a blog which is just so much verbal diarrhea (like this one) anyways, is just asinine. I suppose I'll just chalk it up to my own naivete and let it go at that but I'm not about to lose any potential job offers just because some HR prick goggled my name and found out that I think my current Store Director is a prick, or that I like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

Until people realize that not everyone in the world is going to like them, or their decisions and that people are entitled to their opinion, I suppose I will have to hide behind a thin, mask of perceived anonymity (or at least a mask that takes a bit more to peak behind then a quick google search).


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