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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Oncomming Traffic Pt. 2

So I've finally gotten around to filling in the majority of my blogger user profile and it made me remember how many of the things I enjoy I no longer get to do. For example I love theatre. I have a major in it after all, and have directed, acted and done behind the scenes work on numerous productions. Unfortunatly because of present circumstances I am unable to participate in theatre in even the remotest way possible. I can't afford to go to a show anymore, parking alone would kill me, and there aren't any Community Theatres in the area doing theatre that I could actively participate in. Sure there are a few places dotted here and there, but they only do the same five musicals and if you've done 'Oklahoma!' once, you've done it a hundred times (Sorry Val, you know its true).

I suppose it sounds like I'm making excuses. If I really wanted to do something, I should just do it, but this isn't Grand Rapids. There aren't little theatres all over looking for non-professional actors on every street corner, and I have no dillusions. I'm not a 'professional' actor by a long shot. I may be a 'trained' actor, but thats a long ways away from the dedication, drive, and pure talent it requires to be a professional.

In the end though, I should really start looking into more opportunities. I'm sure there are some near my home.


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