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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Weekend Notes

Well the weekend went by too quickly once again. It was good to have two days in a row off for a change, and for once I actually managed to accomplish quite a lot.

We insulated a large chunk of the loft. Most of the right side of the building is finally covered, as is the new wall. We've made plans to install another wall on the left side, and insulate that as well. Hopefully that will happen in the next week or two. I'm going to see if we can get together again to finish off the right side, and center this weekend. In addition to the insulation we hauled more stuff to the garbage, and made even more room. The second TV and playstation now have there own little area, and we can fit people comfortably around the glass table (as soon as I clean it off).

Roleplaying on Saturday was very fun. We didn't get that far. Considering the idea for the group is just to teach younger people what roleplaying is all about, it's not all that surprising. We did have a few truly classic moments. Steve's character ended up getting seduced by the daughter of one of the countries leading council, and was caught in a comprimising situation. While trying to explain to the rest of the party why it wasn't his fault, he stopped to say out of character, 'Look I'm trying to think of serious way to say this.' This was promptly followed by, 'She fixed my staff and made it shoot stuff.' Needless to say, we left him to his fate after five minutes of laughing.

Got a lot of painting accomplished this weekend to, so things are certainly improving. I'm not looking forward to work tommorrow, but hopefully it won't be so bad.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Let me know when I need to be here and I will help in any way I can.

That was so classic a moment at D&D I am going to have to imortalise it somehow.

I know that I have to get Uncle Steve a staff for Christmas.

May the Force be with you.


12:08 AM

Blogger Matthew Endicott said...



somewhere Nicky cringes

12:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

-cringes and kneels over in pain-

Lemmie know if you guys will need help when I'm home, I'd love to work on the loft with you all.

10:43 AM


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