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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Friends and Family

One thing I get a lot of as someone who graduated with a computer science major, as well as someone who works in the IT field, is family tech support. If you're a fellow techie, you know all about the calls from friends, neighbors, and family members (and sometimes family members friends) asking you to troubleshoot their systems at all times and places. It gets so bad at some points that you can't even go to family gatherings without at least 3 or 4 tech related questions being bounced off you. Now personally, I don't mind doing it, so don't expect this to be a gripe post about that, what this is, is something of an apology to those friends and family for which I have taken on work.

Just like a fat guy at an all you can eat buffet, sometimes I put more on my plate then I can handle. I take in a few to many 'help a brother' out jobs, then I can reasonably handle, or I get off a long hard day of being yelled at by customers and their insane issues, and I just push stuff back. Sometimes I push things back a day or two, but every once and awhile things fall off my calendar all together. Weeks, or months can go by while the computer sits around collecting dust, and I keep promising 'I'll get to it'. I apologize for this, its a character flaw I've been trying to iron out in myself.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Matt your computer's finally finished and ready to be picked up.


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