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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

You are what you wear.

Ok, I had a post about my love for the Gamecube written out when the third person wearing a stupid article of clothing walked by my booth, so I've decided to write about that instead, and save the love for the cube for another day.

Look, I like stupid shirts and clothing as much as the next guy. The stuff at t-shirt hell, while crude and offensive, is also hysterical, but what some of these people wear is just idiotic. Case in point, my first customer of the day walked in wearing a stocking hat that just read, in big red letters, 'Cock'. Ok.......and the joke is? Just saying 'dirty' words (tit hehehehe) stopped being funny in third grade guy. Maybe if there was a picture of a roster flicking you off or more to the joke I'd laugh, but just the word 'Cock'? I suppose he just wanted everyone to know what a dickhead he was.

Another guy was wearing a brown shirt that read, 'I nead head', with a nice little white spurt next to the lettering. In a club or something it might be kinda funny, but walking around an electronics store wearing a shirt that begs women to sleep with you is about as desperate as you can get (Wanna come over and see my hard drive?). I will say, if this where available as a hat it'd be much more funny (unlike the 'cock' hat).

Now its not that I'm offended by these shirts in the least, my use of the english language can at times make Teamsters wail, and English professors knash their teeth, its just that they're bloody stupid things to wear. They aren't funny or humorous in the least (unless found worn in Asia with the appropriate bad grammer), and just mark you as a grade 'A', lets throw blunt objects at, moron. You may as well just wear your pants hicked up to your armpits, a big pocket protector and penny loafers, because anyone laughing as you walk by isn't laughing with you, they're laughing at you.


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