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Monday, December 12, 2005

The Weekend Review

I hate Monday, I really do. The weekend just goes by way to fast. I didn't get to much accomplished, but I think I'm saving up for this weekend, where I need to get a LOT finished up. I painted a bit, mostly base work, but I did do a bit of detail on some of the figures. Also, finished off Matt's computer, to the point where all I need to do is some driver updates.

On the news front.

Christmas Party:
Is definatly on the 23rd. If you feel like bringing something, bring something. I'll be supplying 2 to 3 pizzas, I believe Sarah mentioned making some kind of food, as did Val. We could use some munchies (chips, pretzels, cookies), as well as some pop. Anything extra of course will go up in the loft.

Loft Work:
Definatly happening on the 17th. We're still unsure about the wall, my dad seems very resistant to anyone but the carpenter building it because of the door install, but I'd really like to get the place fully insulated. If you've got a big stapler, plese bring it. Also wear long sleaves, a sweatshirt would be smart, and work gloves if you've got them.

New Years Eve:
I'll definatly be there, and I'll be grilling, and drinking. If you're planing on celebrating the new year with me, please let me know, so I can figure out how much stuff to purchase. I'm presently taking entertainment suggestions, but we'll have the Xbox, Gamecube, PS2, and N64 up and ready to go.

Every Roleplayer in the group:
If you haven't read this already, go read this. Scroll down to editorials, the RPG.NET stuff.


Blogger Ben said...

There's always drunken Mario Kart ;)

2:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm thinking of making pasta salad and maybe desert? Yay's or Nays?

2:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, I plan to make my infamous meatballs that everyone seems to enjoy so much. Both Christmas and New Years is going to be freaking awesome! Wooo!!


7:33 PM

Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

I will be there with bells on for all three occasions.

Nicky the pasta salad is the way to go cause I don't want to deal with a cranky Chris. You know he will pout if you don't make it. If you want to do both ok.

I will probably grab the pop and snacks. That seems to be the only thing I can do at this point.

This is going to rock and I plan on getting totally smashed at some point. I just want to let go and lose it for once in my overly controled life.

May the Force be with you


11:06 PM


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