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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Its Christmas, Damnit!

I'm sure right now, if you took a random sampling of blogs on the net you'd find a vast majority of big fat white guys bitching about Kawanza, Chanukkah, or Ramadan, and how political correctness is sucking the life out of the Christmas Holiday. I have a good enough grasp on history to know better then to bitch about this, after all Christmas is only around because the early church wanted to kill off a 'pagan' Roman holiday on the same day. Thats not to say, the Political Correctness doesn't bug me though, it does, just in a different way.

I'd rather see people simply not celebrate Christmas if they don't believe in it then try to create their own made up splinter holidays just so they can fit in. Honestly though, I simply don't care if you celebrate an alternative to Christmas or not. I don't care if you're so anal retentive you scream at a sales clerk for wishing you a 'Merry Christmas', or if you make it your personal mission in life to give everyone who does so a 15 minute lecture. That just makes you an asshole in my book, and not worth bothering with. So despite this, its somewhat surprising to me that what really iritates me seems like such a trivial thing, politically correcting Christmas music.

It just really pisses me off to hear a song such as Joy to the World, sucked dry of any actual reference to the holiday, and then regurgitated for a car commercial. A White Christmas remake just played across the store, rewritten to have Kawanza references. I just don't get the need to rewrite songs, some of which are Hymns so that they contain no references to Christmas. They're Christmas songs, damnit! If you want Kawanza songs, write Kawanza songs. If you want Chanukkah music, write Chanukkah music. If you want generic sappy holiday muzak, write generic sappy holiday muzak. Don't just steal my Christmas music and strip the meaning out of it simply to feel 'a part of the holiday', and don't you dare do it to be more 'politically correct' or to make a damn dollar.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Amen Brother! Preach it!

No I am not ridiculing you for this rant. I agree with it wholeheartedly. It only goes to show that we are becoming a society that has not one shred of imagination or dignity.

Making music for these other holidays would require effort and work. That is something that is forbidden these days. Do as little as possible but expect the same results. And when those results don't show then it is the other guys fault for keeping you down. What a bunch of brats and crybabies.

Well this is long enough.

May the Force be with you


11:55 AM


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