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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Bandwagon

So once more I've fallen to the whims of popular culture, and joined the throngs of zombies, mindlesly shuffling back and forth to the beat of Dance Dance Revolution. Yes, I bow my head in shame, I have purchased the big plastic mat and accompaning game, and as much as I hate to admit it, I really really do enjoy it.

I was always afraid to try the game at the arcade. There's just no way I was going to get up in front of a bunch of people and flail wildly trying in vain to do something that vaguely represents a dance. Now that I've got the game at home though, it makes it a lot easier. I'm honestly surprised at how much I enjoy it. I figured some of my friends might get a kick out of it, but that there's no way I was going to get sucked into this stupid fad, but after only a few games of it, I'm really craving some more.

I went through about a 10 minute dance routine last night, and really started sweating before I turned it over to Chris and Neal. Chris really seemed to get into it.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Hey when did those guys show up?

You need to watch Chris when he is on any Brit Spear music. I bet he dose all the hand movements while he is prancing around.

He did it in my car on the way to Carbondale. Could have got us shot!

But you did seem to have fun. I may try it.......Did I just say that?!


Oh well in for a penny in for a pound.

Later Ben

May the Force be with you


11:36 AM


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