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Monday, December 19, 2005

Hodge Podge

I'm getting kind of back logged on posts I've been meaning to make, because I don't want to make 10 little tiny posts, so instead, I've decided to just make one big post, with lots of little parts.

The Loft
We really put a lot of hard work on the loft, and its looking sharp. There's only one section left without insulation, the central ceiling, and the only reason we didn't get to that, is the bracing wasn't in place yet. My dad is going to be working the rest of the week on putting up solid wood paneling along the walls, and putting the joists in along the ceiling for the rest of the insulation. When I get home I'll probably help him.

Still on the 23rd. Nothing of any real note beside the fact that I'm really looking forward to it. Again just to put it out there: Party starts at 8, food arrives at 9. Show up, bring friends, significant others, what have you.

Customers are Liars
You know, it makes my job 50 billion times harder when people lie to me. I'm the computer tech, I fix things by troubleshooting. Lying to me on a troubleshooting step simply means we get to spend an extra 10 minutes on the phone together until I figure out that you're lying to me, and unless you're some kind of lonely loser, I don't think you really want that. I honestly couldn't give a rats ass if you look at porn or not, but lying to me isn't going to mean I won't find out. It just means I've got to spend thirty extra minutes trying to find the root of your problem until I stumble across your special little cache.

A sign of things to come
A few of you may have heard me say that my manager is quitting. Tomorrow is in fact his last day, he's leaving to take a position at the Steel Plant in the Engineering department. The problem with this, of course, is how it affects me. My current manager is a great guy, he understands that I work very hard, even though occasionally it might not look like it. He knows that when I'm standing here reading forums, or writing these posts, that I've already straightened up the software aisle (not my job), organized the memory(not my job), checked tags on hardware (not my job), helped any customer that's come up to my booth looking for asistance in other departments (not my job), called everybody on the call list, and either finished the current pile of computers, or have them all going on updates. The other managers, however, are clueless to this stuff. In fact attempts to even tell them about them have lead to outright hostility. One manager in particular has berated me when he found out I was straightening up the software aisle instead of 'working', claiming I was goofing off (this lead to a 2 week period in which the software aisle degenerated back into complete randomness again).

My managers leaving puts me in quite a bind. Not only do the remaining managers believe that I do very little work around here (and resist attempts by me to show this to not be the case), two of them have openly criticized me in public, and made remarks to other staff members that they wouldn't be surprised if I was fired by the end of the year. Now today I come in, and find that my schedules been changed, and I've been given the shittiest hours possible to work. Not only am I working Christmas Eve, but New Years Eve, and New Years Day, all of which I was previously off for since they fell on weekends. In addition, I'm noticing that my hours for January start on a slow steady slide.

*sigh* I really don't know what to do. I've been passively looking for another job since I started working here. Sending out resumes to any interesting looking jobs, but I've never gotten any call backs . The tech sector in Chicago just isn't hiring people, and its next to impossible to get into. I really don't want to move away, not only because I don't have the cash for a move, but because I like it here. I've got a good group of friends who I really enjoy spending time with, and the idea of starting over completely in another section of the country makes me want to cry. Then again, if today is any indication, conditions here are going to continue to degenerate at a fairly rapid pace until continuing to work here isn't an option.

I Work With Five Year Olds, pt II
Apparently the fact that I like Fallout Boy, Death Cab for Cutie, and some other 'girly' bands, as well as the fact that I don't have a girlfriend, and turned down an offer for sex from a coworkers friends has started rumors going around work that I'm gay. *sigh* I love working with these people, so f'ing mature.

New Years Eve
Nothing new, aside from that presently I have to work both days. I'm going to talk with my manager and see if we can work something out, but I'm not holding out hope. I'm also worried that he might use this as an excuse to cut my hours even more heavilly. Here's what I'm planning though. If folks want to start gathering at the loft around 4 pm. I'll have games and movies up there and ready to go for your enjoyment. I'd appreciate if someone could start the grill around 5, so its ready to go at 6. Also if I'm still not back by then I'd really appreciate it if someone could please start the grilling until I get off work.

We started REALLY late thanks to the loft work, so we didn't get to far at all. Most of the day was spent introducing Miles character with a brief battle with Johns undead guy near the end. I still had a lot of fun, I just wish I could have had more fun ;). Hopefully we'll start a bit earlier next time so we can cram more RPing goodness in. I will say its interesting playing a high level artificer. I can cut through most GM plot elements like butter with some sort of invention, or infusion, or wonderous item, but in combat I royally suck. I just can't do the damage of a warrior, and most of my good infusions take to long to cast to be effective. Anyways looking forward to our next get together, and really looking forward to Iron Kingdoms :)

I've heard a rumor that my army buddy Nick is back in town. If so: Hi Nick, I hope you're doing well, and staying safe. I've missed talking with you, and hanging out with you. None of us can get ahold of you, but I'm really hoping to see you at the party or something, or at least before you head back.

My Birthday
I hate my birthday. Nothing good has ever come of it.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Well with big post come big comments. The loft is amazing and I enjoyed working on it. Your Dad is one cool guy and I am glad to know him. The Christmas party is going to ROCK! I am so looking forward to it. If I have a girlfriend I will bring it, but don't get your hopes up (I don't have that kind of money). The one thing you can always count on is customers being stupid. Lying is only a symptom of this.

Your maganger leaving sucks big time. I have had a number of experiences with this. At Toys 'r' Us I had to watch every manager that understood what I did leave and I was left with idiots that I would have to educate on my job and what I did. I worked in Big Ticket. Running around the store counting stock and comparing it with the tickets on the floor so that we never sold something we did not have. I looked like I just ran around all day and did nothing. So the idiots would always assign me to register or merchandising an isle cause I just did not have enough work to do.
This of course led to a number of incidents of me getting my ass chewed out over a customer being sold an item that was not really there. I just bit my lip and waited for the moment when I could make them look stupid. It really did not solve anything but it felt so good.

The idea of moving is one that I have been struggling with for some time. I need to get away from here. The enviroment is not condusive to the work that I am trying to do, but at the same time I have a shit load of friends here that I will miss a whole hell of a lot. Damn if it doesn't suck. Kind of damned if I do and damned if I don't. Hey it is life and it sucks, what's new.
Don't sweat New Years. I will make sure that the grill is up and running and meat is being licked by warm tounges of fire to a tasty perfection. (Um I fell dirty now)
But I will warn you that at some point I am tying one on and after that I will not go near the grill. Fire is a dangerous thing and I know that I will play with it.
Yes Iron Kingdoms will rock. I want to work on characters soon, so we can begin. Not sure when is good for everyone but I will endevor to ferret this information out. Oh wait I already did. Friday seems the best, but it will have to wait until after the party.

Birthdays suck. I don't want to be reminded that I have blown yet anouther year out of my ass and flushed it down the toilet of life. People just don't understand that I do not like my b-day. I never have and never will. So on that we can agree.

Well that about does it. Talk to you soon.

May the Force be with you


12:48 PM


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