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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Everyone else is doing it

Its interesting to see other friends of mine posting this thing on their blogs. Since I'm intrigued by it, I'll post it here, and see if I get any response.

You can ask me ANY 5 questions:

No matter how personal or crazy, I promise to answer the questions 100% truthfully.Repost this and see what people want to ask you.

To be honest, don't limit yourself to just 5 questions. If you've got more, ask them. Its always been my policy to answer people in the most honest, and truthful way possible regardless of how personal, or embarrising the question might be.

As for the rest of you, I'll try to come up with questions for your blog, but give me awhile. :)


Blogger Ben said...

1) Since 5th grade, or there abouts. I started writing stupid little programs for the Commodore 64, then began working on trying to figure out how the hardware in a 486 computer worked.

2) I have never, in my life, had someone I considered to be a 'best' friend. Basically I divide people into, 'friends', 'people I know', and 'people I don't like'. If I know you, you're generally considered a friend. I just don't pigeon hole people any greater then that.

3) Plan on? Not really, like to? Yes.

4) Honestly? Not applying myself enough in college, and squandering some golden opportunties because I was lazy, or afraid.

5) Of course.

6) Blunt honesty

7) A know it all attitude.

10:12 AM

Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

1) What is the one thing about yourself you would change?

2) Is there anyone you wish you had never known?

3) Anyone you wish you had?

4) What is the one thing about the world you would change?

5) The one phrase or saying you cannot stand hearing?

1:14 PM

Blogger Ben said...

1)While I suppose it might be a cop out the first thing that comes to mind is my weight.

2)Yes a great many people.

3)Yes, my moms father. I'm supposed to be way to much like him.

4)Your limiting me to only one? I suppose personal responsibility. Few people take meaningful responsibility for their actions in life.

5)Three way tie between 'ummm', 'like', and 'Thats so hot.'

2:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. All time favorite video game.
2. Why did you transfer colleges
3. Any particular reason you're 'oblivious'
4. Most out there theory that you actually believe in.
5. What inspires you

4:00 PM

Blogger Ben said...


1) This is the hardest question you've asked. I don't really have 'a' favorite, but I do have favorites. X-Com: Ufo Defense, Tie Fighter, Civilization II, Master's of Orion II, Final Fantasy VII, are just a few.

2) I actually transfered over Computer Science. My first school had a very week department with only 2 professors, both nearing the end of their teaching careers, and without a lot of real world experience. I probably would have stayed there for all four years if it hadn't been for this. I left a lot of great friends, and a wonderful theatre department, but I made a lot more at Calvin, and had some great experiences.

3) Yes, its long, and its complicated, and if you want to know more then that, talk to me in person or on AIM sometime.

4) Well right now it feels like a belief in God is the most 'out' there theory, but since that may or may not be the case I'll post another. Unfortunatly I can't think of anything other then my belief in evolution of the cutest. Some might think this is a joke, which in part it is, but I believe there is some fact to it. I believe animals are somewhat evolving to conform to human tastes.

5) I may be misunderstanding the question, if so talk to me again and I'll try to answer it better. What generally inspires me most, is not thinking about it. What that means is, if I want to be inspired, I think about something else. The quickest way to do this, is to work on another task. I've found cleaning helps, so does mowing the lawn. If you notice a sudden influx of house hold chores being done around the my house its probably because I have something on my mind.

2:23 AM


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