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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Another Round-up

Its been awhile since I posted, what with work being so busy all of a sudden, and the new years holiday. As such I've got a backlog of things that I've been meaning to talk about, and rather then make individual posts, I'll just make one big long one again.

New Years
The New Years Eve party was very fun. I had a good time, and I thank everyone who showed up for comming. I got there just as folks started to arrive, and the first of the burgers came off the grill. I scarfed down a burger, and quickly threw on the steaks I'd set out all day long, marinating in red wine, olive oil, and herbs. They were delicious. After the steaks, I quickly turned to the business of drinking heavilly. While no one there got completly and utterly smashed several of us were pretty intoxicated in short order.

I think everyone had a good time. We got in some multiplayer Halo, and Perfect Dark, plus DDR, and some card games. I'm still fairly iritated at TJ, what he did was low, and fairly dispicable in my opinion. Nicky showing up was a bit of a surprise. I figured she and her friends would be stuck in Peoria. I'm glad they did though, party wouldn't have been the same.

Part of me wishes we'd played a few drinking games, like Mario Kart, quarters, some of those stupid card games and I'll admit it I've always enjoyed drunken Truth or Dare, but the party didn't seem to be heading in that direction (ie getting just completly smashed), so I thought it better not to mention it.

Anyways after 2 in the morning, I sort of drifted off to sleep in the loft, and only woke up at 6:30 to find the place deserted, dark, and very cold. Matt, Neal, and I then spent the rest of New Years Day up in the loft, BSing and painting.

I was pretty upset when I finally got off and got home on New Years Eve because of what had happened at work. For those of you who don't know I was threatned with dismissal, and told I was 'on my last warning' (When I got any of the other 'warnings' I don't know), as a result of a customer issue. What kind of issue you might ask? Did I break the mans computer? Did I fail to meet a given deadline? Did I not answer his inane technical question? No, none of those things. I told him I couldn't sell him an iPod.

The gentleman came up to my booth and asked, 'Isn't there anyone working in iPods'. I looked over, and there was no one in the department, so I told him, no it doesn't look like there is, but you can grab one of the other associates. He told me that they were busy, and I said, I'm sorry but I don't work in that department, I'm a computer technician, I fix computers. He then started to get pissy with me, and demanded I call someone to help him. There wasn't anyone to call, if all the other associates are busy, and the iPod folks didn't show up, that means there's no one to call, and I told him this. He then blew up and demanded to speak to my manager. So I made him wait in the customer service line.

After about 5 minutes my manager came over and started to ream me out over this. I told him first and foremost making sure people in the iPod aisle are all helped isn't my job, I'm not a sales associate. He then screamed at me that if helping customers wasn't my job, that he wanted my time card right now, I was fired. The urge to tell him to piss off, fling the cursed thing at his head, and then beat the living shit out of the asshole who complained was so strong all I could do was grind my teeth. Again, according to the job description I was given when hired my job is strictly to fix computers as they come in, load software on outbound computers, and handle tech support calls. The Store Director would have none of this, apparently in his mind my job is also to sell TVs and iPods to, never mind the fact that I lack the physical ability to sell such a product. Thats right, I can't even physically sell the unit to the customer, its in a glass case, which I lack the keys to open.

When I pointed this out, my manager said I should have called him, he would have sold the iPod to the customer. Now here, he caught me, I've never actually delt with this particular manager on a similar issue. I have dealt with the other managers on enough issues just like this to know that generally they either say they'll be right there and leave me hanging, or tell me to do it myself. Finally after yelling at me for five minutes he told me that this is a string in a long history of complaints about my handling of customer service issues (hey lets not point out the fact that more often then not people leave thrilled with my service), and that I was on a last warning basis (again when did I miss the other warnings?)

Its absolutely crazy, but it has pretty much galvanized me in the search for a new job.

So a few days ago I found a condom in my sisters coat pocket. No I wasn't snooping. I was trying to put my shoes on and slipped on the back porch. To balance myself, I reached out and grabbed at the nearest thing, her coat. So thats how I found it, purely by accident. I can't talk to her about it of course, she'll freak out, and her first defense of course will be that I was snooping and I'm invading her privacy. I wouldn't want to talk to her for the all best of reasons either.

First off, understand, I'm not one of those folks that think sex is evil, dirty or wrong, even outside of marriage. It's a natural act, and I don't see any problem with two consenting adults, 'getting it on'. That said my sister has been very judgemental of other people during her life when it comes to sex. She constantly has looked down on people she thinks are having sex prior to marriage, and goes around calling various people skanks. I've heard her rail against numerous people because, according to her, all they do is sleep around. The chance to possibly rub it in her face is almost over powering.

Of course thats just the wrong reasons to talk to my sister. There are many legitimate, and important reasons I'd like to talk to her about it as well. She just broke up with her boyfriend, and if that was involved, well thats an entirely different set of problems, and would certainly explain why she's so upset this time around. She's got to be very hurt and upset, and could use a little support. I'm sure if she is sexually active as well, given her past part of herself is probably feeling very conflicted, and knowing that her family isn't going to judge her for it might be a relief as well.

Of course chances are it was just a joke by a friend of hers, or a 'just in case' measure for New Years Eve, which would show at least a bit of maturity on her part. Still even this faint glimpse into my sister's possible sex life is enough to give me the jibblies. The jibblies and the natural brother instict that someone needs to get a good pounding for touching my sister.

Work Part II
Damnit, I've made a pact with myself not to be late for work anymore, because I'm not going to give the bastards an easy way to get rid of me, and my friggen alarm didn't go off this morning. I was 10 minutes late. I thought I was still alright, since initially I wasn't scheduled until 10:00, but they changed the schedule again sometime during the week, and now I start at 9:45. Damn, Damn, Damn!

Also a big bundle of disks came from HP today. The complete restore library for the Presario and Pavilion line of computers, as well as HP training CDs for repairing their computers. This could be a sign that upper management has finally made a smart decision (I know, I'm not keeping my hopes up either), and has finally decided to get us HP certified. This means that not only does the store get to make money off of every HP computer I repair under warranty, it means I get certification for free. Unfortunatly no one at the store knows why they came. Even the Store Director is clueless, so thats not a good sign.

A Crazy Idea
I'd already intended to post this idea today before I talked with Todd last night, but after our talk I definatly decided to post it. Geek TV. Yeah I know there's that lame G4 channel or whatever the fuck it is, but my idea has nothing to do with this.

Basically there is one somewhat unifying truth to us Geeks, we're more technologically adept then the average person. There are a greater number of technology gadgets in the average geeks home, then the normal persons home. Even your lowliest D&D obsessed geek who works at Burger Barn knows more about technology then your average person (I work at a consumer electronics store, trust me on this). If nothing else unites all our various factions, it is this one common truth.

That said, since the average geek has more technology then the average person, the amount of Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) is likely to be higher in geek households. The thing about DVRs is that they allow you to record any TV broadcast at any time of the day, and play it back later, at your convinience. Thus my idea comes into play. A geek oriented television show (Gaming in all its various facets, computers, gadgets, do it yourself, and news) broadcast at 3 or 4 in the morning on a major TV channel such as 7, or 32 (at least here in Chicago), when the cost for broadcasting a show is almost at its absolute lowest (those damn car commercials and get rich schemes flood the airwaves).

You encourage people to record the show on their DVRs and play it back later at their leisure, perhaps the first episode consists about showing the audience how to build their own DVR out of spare parts. In addition you videocast the show out to the internet, and make downloads available. Naturally you couldn't use traditional advertising for a show like this, since folks with DVRs can just skip through the ads, so you'd have to get various companys to actively sponsor the show. As an example, on the show about making DVRs perhaps contacting Western Digital or Seagate to get money to mention their Hard Drives, or Tiger Direct for a mention as the source for some of your parts. Another example, perhaps contacting a company like Privateer Press, or Wizards about doing a show on one of their products. Granted you'd need to show you had an active viewership that would prove to these clients that an investment in your show would be worth it, but with some hard work I think it could be done.

The fact is, television like this is comming. As DVR usage grows a shows time slot is simply not going to matter. On top of that traditional television advertising is dying, as more and more people chose to skip the ads. I'm not sure if the market is quite ready for a show like this, but right now could be the ground floor for an opportunity like this, and waiting just ensures that someone else will do it first.

And Now for Something Completly Different
A link about what various scientists and thinkers from around the world, consider to be their most dangerous idea. Quite a few of them are just pompous assholes, but there are quite a few interesting thoughts put forward, and it makes for an interesting read if you've got the time.


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Hey Ben

New Years was a blast, thanks. I am glad now that you did not mention the drinking games, cause I would have been all over them that night. To be blunt I am more irritated with myself then anyone else. I should have yanked the booze away, but I didn't want her getting all rebelious and really sneaking it. Sounds lame but it is the truth. Nicky and crew showing up was AWESOME AND AMAZING! It made the evening so much better. Sunday was good too.

Retail sucks ass and always will. Oh and I really haven't wanted to say this but I could have told you that you so called job description is subject to interpretation and there is not one thing you can do but sit back and watch them pile the shit on your shoulders. I personally wish that someone would make them live up too their descriptions, but then they would have to hire enough people to actually do all the jobs that they don't mention. Assholes.

As far as your sister goes...I don't know what to say. It is a bad idea to try and mention the condom, as you said it would break down into a privacy thing. All I can think of is to keep your eyes and ears open. Watch for a oprotune moment to start a dialogue and lead it toward this subject. A lot of work and not easy but it is the best I can come up with.

I love the Geek TV idea and I am in 100% in any way that I can. I thought of this last night on the way home I was thinking that if we are filming this show and then airing it that means that we have the copies of the episodes. Why couldn't we also offer them on the web in part so as to get coverage. This opens up the possibilities of getting people on the web promoting our little show. I mean it is a resource and we might as well exploit it for all that it is worth. Also a website would provide an ideal place for some adverts for things that we all endorse, so when we plug them we mean it. Cause I hate being fake. Just some ideas to toss onto that fire of an imagination you have.

Oh and I have not forgotten the X-com board game/ mini game. I have ideas, we just need to converse on some details. Like the possibility that we won't have the license? Are we thinking a small squad based game or something a little bigger. If we are going the way of the board game you realize to truly have the scope that I see we will need to make it in phases so as to provide all the levels of play. yeah things like this have been routing around so we need to pick a time and sit down no distractions and hash it out.

Well this comment is way to long, so I will say....

May the Force be with you


1:01 PM


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