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Saturday, January 21, 2006

I'm a friggen idiot.

I don't know how the hell this happened. I checked the damn schedule three times. I could have sworn in front of a court of law that I was scheduled to work at 5 to close today, and that I was supposed to do a 9:30 to 5 shift on Monday. Well it looks like I'm a damn retard. Thats next week schedule, I was supposed to do an open to 5 shift today, and not work the rest of the week off. I just don't know how I could have mixed this up. I'm usually so careful about this, now I feel terrible. I'm in deep shit here for not showing up for my scheduled shift, I've lost even more hours thanks to my mistake, and my pleas for more hours are falling on completly deef ears now.

Whats worse is now I've only gotten 11 hours for this week, and next week I've only got 18. No one wants to hear about the cut in hours now thanks to my own stupidity. To them I'm just a complete mistake now, and why give more hours to someone so unresponsible. Not to mention the fact that I've completly blown my first impression with the new Technology manager.

Damnit, I already feel like a failure working at this place, now I feel even more of a failure for failing at a failure of a job. I'm sure that made almost no sense to anyone out there, but thats how I feel. No one will even talk to me about it, all I get is, 'We'll talk to you about it on Thursday.'

Right now I feel like just crawling into a hole somewhere and dying. *sigh*


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

Failure is a fact of life. How we deal with it is as important as how we deal with success. You feel like crawling into a hole and giving up. Well that is one choice.

Being a faliure at a faliure of a job. This I can understand, but so what?! It beats being a faliure at life. You have GREAT potential, even if you don't see it or believe in it. I do! So unless you want me to look a fool get up and get on. It is not the end of the world. Cause if you blowing it at this job is the harbinger of the Apocaclypse the bible is false advertizing.

I want fire and brimstone damnit! I want the 7 thunders, vials, and bowls! I want the 4 horsemen riding around! If a mix up at Circut City is all that I get then I want my money back!

You can rise above this. The path is still at you feet. Just pick up your foot and brush off the dog poop and take the next step.

See you later

May the Force be with you


1:15 PM


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