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Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Well some good at least has come from the past 4 months of scrambling to find a job. At least tomorrow if I come into work and find out I've been laid off I won't be completely behind the 8 ball. I don't really understand how its possible, but things at work have actually gotten worse. Business has slowed to a crawl, not surprising considering how bad gas has gotten, managers are freaked out, paranoid and desperate to show they're useful, and employees are getting burned out faster than spare tires. Whatever is going on, its culminating in a 'special' meeting tomorrow morning. The current rumors give three possibilities:

A) They'll be firing off all managers but Operations and Store Director, and moving all 'senior' level associates to a pseudo-supervisor role. This makes a bit of sense. It'd save the company money, and we've always had more managers then we actually needed. Problem with this is they've already fired 3500 of their best senior associates, why do this now? Also, it'd leave the store without someone able to make 'executive' level decisions for long periods during the week. On top of that they're hiring associates like crazy, why?

B) They'll be firing off all 'senior' level associates, and eliminating that position. A bad business move, but given their previous decision making choices its within the realm of possibility. It'd also explain why they're hiring so many new people.

C) They're going to do a complete reorg. Eliminate the senior position, eliminate a manager position or two, and eliminate a lot of sales people and replace them with fresh blood. I think this is the least likely of the two scenarios, but it would certainly explain the glut of hiring they've been doing. It'd would also explain why a lot of employees have been getting written up for just silly violations (I was written up for being early for work of all things).

At any rate it is pretty frusterating. I'm pretty sure I'll still have a job tomorrow, but its not guaranteed. Even if I do, many of my friends won't, or we'll be made to work even harder with even less pay. With everything else going on, this is just another kick in the ass I don't need, but like I said at least I was already trying to get out awhile ago.


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