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Monday, April 10, 2006

First Revolution Screen Shots

Joystiq has posted the first screens for Nintendo's Revolution, and quite frankly you may color me impressed. Just based on graphics alone the game looks better then anything on the Xbox 360 presently, and at least comprable to the PS3 (though some of the developers have admitted a lot of the PS3 stuff is pre-rendered). Even if the graphics weren't better looking initially, however, its the gameplay that has me really floored. Movement is handled by the little nunchuk device, while the gun and turning is handled by the remote. So instead of just sitting on your couch not really actually doing anything like Halo, you're actually more fully immersed.

On top of this though, is something that has me completly geeked. Sword play. Now I'm not so impressed because this game has sword fighting in it, I'm geeked because of what this could mean, and I won't say it to loudly because Nicky may burst. *whispers* Jedi Lightsaber battles *end whisper*


Blogger Matthew Endicott said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!

That means that we could have real lightsaber fig...


Matts head goes flying into the air!

Jives walks in

Oh no, not again.

11:51 PM


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