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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Rash of Tiny Updates

A Recent Purchase:

So I was meandering around online at work the other day when I stumbled on the website for Hasslefree Miniatures. Now I've found a whole host of independent miniature companies on the web over the last couple of weeks, but I'm pretty impressed with Hasslefree's sculpts (All done by the same guy) and so decided to order a couple (Mary, Kjarn, Sola, Gayle, Suzi, and Torsten if you were curious). Some where bought just for fun (like the Japanese school girl), but most I bought to try to improve my skin tones which have always kind of sucked. Dwarf Flesh, washed over with Flesh Wash, then dry brushed Dwarf Flesh again doesn't really make a dynamic figure.

I know Val was very interested in the figures, and after my current batch arrives, I'll probably order another round, so if anyone wanted to give me some money to order something for them, now is the time. Oh, and Neal, just in case you're reading this. Space Dwarves ;)

Movie Deal:

So Todd and I started kicking around the idea for a Cassablanca spoof film last week Friday. After a couple of hours of talking however, the film had turned from spoof into a sort of Romantic Comedy roughly based on Cassablanca. I think we got a lot of great ideas down on paper, and I'm actually excited to see how we can work these things all out. We pretty much only have two blank spots in our outline of the film, one near the end, and an 'emotional/getting to know the character' scene near the beginning.

I'm not much of a writer, but I'd really like to start work on a first draft of the script as soon as we figure out those two rough spots, and hell maybe if we get lucky film it this summer.


I'm really grateful for all the people around me that I can call friends, yesterday especially. I haven't had such a great couple of weeks recently, and it seems that things aren't going to improve anytime soon, still thanks to all of you, I've managed to keep on plugging through. Not just continue on though, but also manage to enjoy myself, so for that thanks. Thanks Val and Sarah, even if all we did was sit around G.O.'s parking lot and bitch, its nice to talk sometimes.


Works not going so hot, lets just leave it at that. It seems I can't make it through a month here without some kind of crisis happening, and its that time of the month again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

-hug- Miss you Ben! Hope things get better.

1:32 PM

Blogger Centaur Steve said...

SPACE DWARFS!!!!!! WOOT! you're right they're really nice mini's I'll probably be giving you money to get some.

10:08 AM


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