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Friday, June 22, 2007

Things I want to do before I die.

1) Play the cowardly lion in 'Wizard of Oz'.
2) Read through all the works of Shakespeare.
3) Learn to play the Guitar well.
4) Get a really good tan.
5) Get horribly horribly lost, and not care.
6) Learn to play at least one other instrument.
7) Visit Ireland, Japan England, Paris, Italy, and Germany, not necissarily in that order.
8) Learn Blacksmithing.
9) Buy and ride a motorcycle.
10) Own a home with one room dedicated as a library.
11) Make love in a raging thunder storm.
12) Go camping, and backpacking in either Yosemitte, Yellow Stone, or Redwood National Park for a week.
13) Learn Latin.
14) Take someone dancing.
15) For that matter learn how to dance.
16) Have no less than two kids.
17) Pay off my student loans.
18) Build something with my own two hands.
19) Spend the night under the stars curled up with someone special.
20) Get shot into space.

There are probably more, but this is all I can think of at the moment.


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