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Monday, August 20, 2007

Flower Vases

Why is it that every time I think someone is going to change they don't? Am I just a complete idiot for thinking that maybe this time things are going to be different? Maybe this time they're is some meaning and feeling behind the words they say to me. I must be, because I just fall for it time and time again.

I tried living with a one strike and you're out policy. Trust everyone until they lie, or hurt you once, and then kick them to the curb. I just couldn't do it after awhile. It got to be to much, and I knew how hypocritical I was being. Yet now I keep putting my trust into people who let me down over and over again. Where do you draw the line? How do you determine whether you're upset because someone isn't acting like you'd like them to act, or because they broke your trust? Is it your fault for believing them when you know you shouldn't have, or is it there's?