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Monday, September 24, 2007

The Cat In the Loft

So I took a big shot of Claritin after everyone went to bed, and checked out the damage in the loft just now, and it's pretty bad. While most of the damage to the couch was contained by the bed spread that was on top of it, the cat still managed to piss all over it, and it absolutely reeks. There's not much I can do with leather. There's a lot of new and stinky spots on the carpeting as well, and I'll have to try some of the carpet cleaner I've got left over and see if they will do any good. My computer doesn't seem to be functioning properly either. It turns on but won't boot. Mel said she thought she smelled something burnt behind the TV earlier so I checked it out as well and almost gagged. It's not burned, it's cat piss. It pissed directly into the innards of my 37" TV. While the TV still turns on, I can't seem to get any picture on it. It seems that my big screen monitor is now toast. I'll try fiddling with it later when I can actually stand to be up there for more then 10 minutes (thats all I could manage even with drugs before I started weezing), but it doesn't look good.

As foolish as it sounds (and is) it feels like someone delibrately targeted my favorite belongings and wrecked them. I'd love to wring someones neck over this, but its just a cat, and how can I get angry at it. It won't do a shred of good. So here I am, minus my big screen TV, possibly minus my computer, and a couch I saved forever to buy smelling like cat piss. I can't afford to replace anything so I'm just totally screwed. I can't blame anyone, and I can't get mad at anyone, I just have to suck it up, but its certainly made the Lothlorien DT's a lot worse.

Finally it just feels eerily symbolic that the TV would die now of all times. I left for camping feeling like I was loosing the best group of friends I've ever had. With everyone graduating college this year, and looking towards moving on with their own lives I felt like this was really the last time we'd all be together. I've noticed we've all started to grow apart in the last several months, and with the things that are going on in my own life I just have this horrible feeling this was the last time I'd see everyone. To come home than, and find the object that the group took as its namesake destroyed just feels very off putting.


Blogger Nekohakase said...

Sorry to laugh but, seriously, hahahhahahaaaa..... Don't I feel your pain! I have a lovely sphinx cat myself that took a half a year to house train. During that time, he took out coats, blankets, bedsheets, shoes, boxes, letters.... anything EXCEPT the litter box.
These days his access has been restricted to the bedroom and the toilet. He doesn't pee in the bedroom for some reason. Probably because it's the only warm room in the house.

Anyhow, keep up the good work. Is it male? It he fixed? Male cats will target men's belongings as pee points to enforce their dominion. Meow.

11:32 AM


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