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Monday, July 23, 2007


Well here I've gone and neglected posting again. Well, actually its not my fault. I used to spend an 8 hour shift at work slowly composing one paragraph blog entry in the few seconds of spare time I had through the day, mainly as an exercise to keep my brain flexible, but they've cut off access to blogger at work now (Probably to many nasty complaints about how things are run). So now I can only write at home, and as the title of this suggests, things have been hectic.

Its not as if I'm working more hours or anything, but things at home seem to have taken on a special urgency as of late. It feels like everyones trying to cram as much stuff as possible into these weeks, perhaps hoping to gorge themselves on people they may not see for a long time. I really wore myself ragged last week trying to stay on top of it all, and I'm still pretty burned out this week. In away its good, because I haven't had time to dwell on the things that have been driving me nuts. It also has a bad side unfortunatly. I've been letting myself slip back into complacency, and I can not allow myself to do that. It is a luxury I no longer have if I'm serious about things. Still I'm going to enjoy the hell out of folks while they're still around, I just can't forget to do the things I need to do.

I'll try and remember to write something tomorrow because there is a lot I want to talk about that I've just sort of let slip with all the stuff going on around here.


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