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Monday, May 29, 2006

Today is the....

Lot of stuff has happened since my last post, mostly good, but nothing really life impacting. Mostly I've just hung out with my friends playing games, and watching movies. We've gone to see Da Vinci Code, as well as X3. Both movies are alright, and perhaps I'll talk about them more later in greater detail, but for now all you need to know is they're both a little uneven but still worth the watch.

We're going to be doing a BBQ today up at the loft, as well as opening the pool. Not sure if we'll be able to swim in it today though, it all depends on chlorine levels and such. I'll try and post pictures later, because right now its just me and Sara chilling up here.

I'm still working on the package for Nick, so if you're going to send him something please get it to me by Wensday.

Thats about it for now.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Long time since the last

Wow its been awhile since I've posted. I've been meaning to post for a bit since I have quite a bit on my mind that I have wanted to talk about, but none of it was pressing enough that I felt I just had to buckle down and post. Anyways things are fair to middling right now. Work stinks, I'm in an awful situation here at present.

I know I can hear you saying it now, 'Thats what you always say', and quite honestly thats another reason I haven't posted. I really (x3) don't want to sound like a whiny little bitch who doesn't take responsibility for his own life, and just ends up complaining about his job 24/7 (which is what its felt like I've been doing for the last 2 years). That said, however, you can't deny the truth, and that truth is that my work sucks. It seems they want to get rid of me, but since firing me would mean unemployment as I've done nothing worthy of being fired they have chosen to cut my hours below the point at which I can continue to work there.

I've got a few prospects, and we'll see how things work out, but to be quite honest I'm very stressed about the whole situation, and quite depressed. For some reason I can't explain I've got this sort of compulsion to resist change. Now don't get me wrong, I love change when it involves new technology and things of this nature, but when it comes to my own life I really end up getting stuck in the same pattern. This causes me to stay at shitty jobs longer then I should simply because I'm resistant to the change. Sometimes I hate my brain.