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Thursday, June 29, 2006

You know....

I really need to keep posting to this thing, but I am so often pulled away to do other things. Anyways, the last couple of weeks have been a very interesting period in my life, and the upcomming months promise to be no different.

The biggest thing going on right now is my quest for a new job. I have been more or less passively looking for a job for the last year, but while my current employer gave me enough hours I was more or less content to stay where I was at. The work was more or less easy, and while I'm not much of a salesperson, I do enjoy interacting with people in a technical capacity. Well the good times never last, and going through 5 managers in your department has a way of speeding that up. My hours were cut down to almost nothing, my car exploded, and my van is slowly dying. This on top of some other things has put me in a bad financial situation.

Presently I'm in the middle of an interview process with a company down in Crete. I really hosed the first phone interview though, and I figured I was done for. I bad mouthed my present employer, something you should never do in any interview, and gave really vague or rambling responses to the questions that were asked of me. I felt like a complete idiot when I hung up the phone on Tuesday, so needless to say when they called today and asked for a second phone interview with me I was extatic. The job pays extremely well, but more importantly then that they really do seem to care about their employees, something thats been lacking in both my previous two positions. I really hope I get this position, as it really seems like this is the job I've been looking for.

In non-job related news, I'll be running an open D&D game on Saturday down at G.O. Games. Anyone interesting in playing should either talk to me in person, or go to the store on Saturday to make a character. The setting is going to be Faerun: Forgotten Realms. Specifically we're going to be starting in the sleepy community of Shadowdale. I may actually have something ready for Nicky, Miles and Sara on Friday or Saturday to run through to get things started. This game is going to be open to anyone, and I'd really like to embrace new commers to the game. The downside to this of course as we've all witnessed with Vals game is its possible to get a simply massive group bigger then I can handle. I'm toying with the idea of seeing if someone can joint DM with me, but this is still an issue that needs to be addressed.


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