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Monday, July 17, 2006

So long old friend.

Rusty, the next door neighbor's dog, will sadly no longer be present to bark at us, and beg for attention. The man living directly across the street from me apparently was so upset at the dogs 'cronic' barking that several weeks ago he called the city police on it. If that doesn't seem asanine let me restate that. He called the police on a 60 lb dog, police that should be out stopping people from having gun fights just off the express way, or from dropping off furniture in the middle of Torrence. At any rate the police came took a report, and my neighbors had a court date on Monday. They apparently lost and were fined 1000 dollars with the stipulation that they'd get 900 of it back if they recieved no complaints about the dog in a year. The man across the street at that point made it abundantly clear that if the dog stayed he'd file another complaint. So Rusty is on his way to the pound.

I sincerely hope someone adopts the dog, and that he's not destroyed. He's extremely loveable, and despite the complaints of the guy across the street actually doesn't bark all that much. Rusty is sadly a bit neglected, and is full of energy. He desperatly wants someone to pet him, and play with him. Anytime anyone walks anywhere near the fence to his yard he bounces around and barks to get their attention, then looks at them all floppy ear'd and sad.

What really upsets me about this whole incident is the growing lack of communication in my neighborhood. Rather then talk to a neighbor about a problem you're having with them its become far easier to simply call up the police and complain to them and have them deal with it. We were fined twice for my van. Now the fact is both me and my dad knew we should not have left it out in front of my house for 4 months, and to be honest we'd actually never intended to, it just sort of slipped our minds. Had the neighbor who called the police simply taken the 30 seconds to walk over to either of us and said, 'Hey, that van is kind of an eye sore could you move it?' either one of us would have jumped up, grabed the keys and instantly moved it. Instead they called the police not once but twice after we'd already moved it behind the house. Across our neighborhood it seems there's now a vindictive spike of calling up the city to fine various neighbors for the tiniest infractions. From lawns left a smidge to long to too many cars parked out front of the home. Its truly sad to me that Rusty the big dumb loveable dog had to be a victim in this, but hopefully people will start to wake up, and talk to each other again.


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