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Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Years

I know it might sound like I'm harping on it, but NEW YEARS EVE PARTY!!!!! Woot!

Actually, I just don't really have anything else to talk about with the party being tonight. I'm really pumped, and excited. I just finished the steak marinade, and its on the counter absorbing the flavor. I've only got 4 pieces of steak, ones for me, ones for my dad, ones for Matt, and one remains unclaimed. We've got burgers, and a few hot dogs. There's beer, and other alcohol. We've got Pop, and some chips. We could use more pops and chips, as well as some buns though.

There's only really one rule for the party, if you're drinking, you're spending the night, unless you've arrainged an alternative means of transportation for yourself other then driving. This isn't because I don't think you can handle it, or I don't trust you it's because I'm liable. If any of you gets in an accident I, and my family, become liable for anything that happens to you, and anything that you've done. In addition, Illinois has a zero tolerance law. If you are caught with ANY alcohol in your system, even if you are not behind the wheel of a car, you will lose your license. So I'm going to be pretty firm on this rule, if you're drinking you're staying. If you don't want to stay, don't drink, or find someone willing to pick you up.

Anyways, now that, that is out of the way. Show up at the loft whenever. I suppose the party officially starts when Matt lights the grill at 5, kinda like the olympic torch or something I guess. So if you're one of those people who needs an official time in order to show up to something, then I guess 5 pm is the time you're looking for. We'll start laying on the meat at 6, and hopefully, I'll be home by then. There's more then enough entertainment for everyone. I'll probably be moving the PS2 and DDR down into the house after I get home, I just want to be sure my Sister won't be having anyone over. That way the DDR folks can actually hear what they're dancing to, because I'm guessing its going to be pretty loud in the loft.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Some Good News

Well lets try and push past this depressing junk, and focus on something fun for everyone. New Years Eve!!!!! Woot! Here's the plan, I won't be getting off until 6. I've asked Matt to start the grill at 5 so its ready to go when I get there. If you want to consider 5 the official 'start' of the party, then do so, but I trust you guys so you're more then welcome to show up earlier, especially since it is a Saturday, and just hang out at the loft.

I'm getting the Xbox back from S tonight, so that will be up there. DDR will be up there and running for the PS2. There's a computer, as well as the Cube with lots of games. There's N64 with Mario Kart, and loads of other games. I've even got the SNES, and NES up there and working though I can't see any demand for them.

So far we're pretty stocked on drinks. I picked up some Vodka, Kalluah yesterday, and there's some Tequilla up there with Nicky and Shanda's name on it if they decide to show up. I also grabbed a 12 pack of Newcastle today. I'll probably be drinking a few of these tonight if anyone feels like joining me, its English beer Neil :).

In the food department, I've got burgers, hot dogs, and a few other things. I've got some pop as well, but we could use some buns for the meat, some more pop, and some chips if anyones offering. Anyways thats the good news.

Happy Pantsday.

So a belated happy birthday goes out to myself. I'd meant to post yesterday, but I was having so much fun waiting in line at the DMV that I just plumb forgot. Weee!!

My Birthdays usually suck, and yesterday really wasn't much of an exception. Because a clerk at Fry's snapped my license in half I wasn't able to do early renewal and had to go down to the DMV and wait in line for two hours to get a new one instead of going to the Art Museum like I'd originally planned. When I got back my dad was to tired to go out and do anything, so I went and waited for an oil change and then got a hair cut. I really try not to be a present oriented person, but its hard to not feel at least a little let down when you get three pairs of pants (and a guilt trip from your mom, though I suppose that doesn't count). Even Invader Zim quotes can't cheer me up over this one. I did get to go down to GO and hang out with everyone. I was going to get pizza to make it feel a little more celebratory, but I was way to tapped after Christmas, and buying alcohol for Saturday night. I played Matt in a game of Warmachine which was fun and we got to hang out afterwards, so that was pretty much the highlight of my day.

I didn't want to sound like an ass or something by saying I didn't want to talk about my Birthday two days ago. The truth is I just don't want to sound like I just go around complaining about everything, and I don't want to sound depressing. Focusing on the negative in life all the time doesn't help anyone, and just depresses everyone. No one wants to be around a negative person, and while I'm by no means an optimist, I try desperately to stay a realist rather then fall to the depths of a pessimist. Since I don't want to make this seem like some great mystery, however, here's the long and short of why I don't like my birthday.

One problem is that it falls on the 28th of December. That's three days before New Years, and three days after Christmas. This means that I not only get to suffer through the Holiday blahs, and feeling like crap for not being with anyone special for the holidays like everyone else, I also get to suffer through all the same exact crap associated with birthday, all at the same time! This leads generally to one big ball of depression and loneliness on one single day, the 28th being the halfway point between the holidays after all.

Another reason I hate my birthday is because I have very few good birthday memories. Largely my birthday memories revolve around no one coming. My friends were generally busy, or out of town for the holidays, and my relatives were basically assholes (they thought it would spare my feelings to wait until 5pm on my birthday to call and say they'd all suddenly fallen ill just about every year on the 28th). This meant that the vast majority of my birthdays were spent at home, with my parents, and my cranky grandma bitching about her retirement home, loads of fun for the whole family. Even my best birthday memory, going to visit the Art Museum for the Picasso Exhibit (*gurgle* Picasso) is tempered by memories of my parents divorce, the awkward car ride there, their constant sniping at one another the entire time, and my youngest sister throwing a tantrum because she was bored, and having to leave early.

While its not such a big deal anymore, except for this years pants fiasco, another reason I traditionally hated my birthday is presents. When its painfully obvious that all your presents came from the discount aisle of Toys'R'Us (Ghostbuster toys 3 years after the show ended anyone?), or are birthday AND Christmas presents, it kind of kills the whole mood.

Finally when you're reflecting on all your previous birthday memories, you end up thinking about thousands of associated memories that go along right with it. My parents telling me about their divorce a week before my Birthday, for example, or anyone of a half a billion horrifying memories from high school, and grade school, which is just another big ball of psychosis in and of itself. Then there's the feeling of having not accomplished anything in life, of going from one absolute dead end job that pays next to nothing, to the next. By the end of the day I'm usually in a terribly depressed state, whether I show it or not.

So there you have it, why I hate my birthday in a nut shell. I really hope I didn't depress anyone, but I didn't want their to be this kinda of awkwardness associated with my birthday and everyone. Its not like I was raped on my birthday, just a lot of bad memories, and blahness.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Hi-ho, Hi-ho.

Its back to work I go, after two hectic days off, I'm once more back up at the service counter. With my direct manager gone I've pretty much lost the wonderful schedule I used to enjoy that made me feel almost like I had a real job. Gone are the 9 to 5 days with weekends off, replaced instead by complete randomness. According to the person setting up the schedules this is because the old schedule was unfair. One of my coworkers has open availability for the next two weeks, and its just not fair to him that I should open every day, and he should close. I really need to move on and find a new job.

Sherman showed up at my work today. I haven't seen that kid in ages, he still owes me for fixing two computers, but he completly avoided me rather then pay up, again. Kids starting to get in my nerves.

In the good news department though, I fixed another computer today. Its only a PII, but it seems to be in pretty good shape other then a tempermental video card. At least I'm finally clearing out all my broken computer parts.

Monday, December 26, 2005

And now a word from our sponsors

Well after a few days of being offline because of Christmas and a dead computer, I'm back. Not only did I fix my big computer, I built another one out of spare parts. I think I'll call him Zeke, because everybody loves the Zeke, also I'm not feeling very original at the moment.

The Christmas party was wonderful, I'm glad so many folks could show up, and I hope you all had a good time. Sorry if I seemed a little less then sociable, I was very tired, and a bit moody, for reasons I don't care to explain here. A big thank you guys out to everyone for showing up, and I hope we can all get together to do it again next year :).

New Years Party is approaching at a rapid pace. Plans are still the same. Grilling, drinking, playing video games, and other things. Show up whenever on Saturday, and just hang out until I get back from work. One thing of note, if you do plan on drinking more then a couple, pretty much plan on staying the night. If you don't have a ride to bring you home bring a change of clothes, we have places you can crash already set aside. The lofts been picked up, and looks spiffy thanks to Neal. I'll be moving the table tomorrow, and we'll be all set.

In other news, my birthday is on Wednesday, I'm not really looking forward to it for a number of reasons I again don't care to relate here at present.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Party

Well its finally that time folks. Time once again for the Christmas Party. Party begins at 8, but you're welcome to come earlier if you so chose. I won't be getting off work until around 6 though. I'll be calling Domino's from work and having them deliver pizza at 9, and we'll open presents and stuff after the pizza arrives.

The party will be in the house since my dad is still working on the loft. If you plan on staying pretty much until everybody leaves, please park in the driveway to relieve congestion on the street. Again, pretty much everyone is welcome, so bring yourselves, and bring anything you care to bring. Munchies, actual food, pop, its all welcome.

Computer Folks:
A very strange case mod. Makes me wonder where you plug your keyboard in to.

Nicky and Matt:
Don't know if you like Lego's, but I know you love star wars.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Gaming for the masses

So we started reading the back issues of Ctrl+Alt+Del last night, something I haven't done in ages, and now here I am at work, still reading the damn things when I ran into this one.

All I have to say, is that it pretty much sums up what I'm looking for in a woman right now.

Gaming is a pretty big chunk of my life. Thats not to say I spend every waking moment gaming and doing absolutely nothing else, but I do spend a significant part of my available free time playing video games, roleplaying, playing miniature games, or doing something gaming related. I don't think that gaming is a waste of time, childish, or even immature. Contrary to what folks like Dr. Phil might have you think gaming isn't just for twelve year olds, nor is it 'just a phase'. Its my hobby. Some people knit, some people fix cars, some people juggle geese, I game.

That said however, I'm aware that a relationship is a two way street. I know that a relationship isn't just about what I need, or what I want, its about our needs and our wants. Sacrifices have to be made by both individuals since no two people have the same interests, and thats a good and healthy thing, especially in a relationship, unless of course you're such a narcisist that the only person you can see yourself with is you of course. With gaming though, it seems like unless you happen to find one of these mythical gaming girls there is a zero tolerance policy.

I don't want to be with someone that my gaming almost feels like I'm cheating on them. I know far to many married guys who literally have to create a complicated series of events in order to sneak out of the house simply to make it down to 'ye olde gaming shoppe' once every other month. Their wives scream at them so much for playing the odd video game every now and again, that it almost sounds like there's another woman in the relationship. I want to be with someone who doesn't see mylove gaming as competition for my love for them, but something that we can both share and enjoy.

Unfortunatly for me, while more and more women are finally getting into gaming, it seems like the trend started below my age group. Finding someone my age is still like finding some ancient lost Aztec city in the wilderness of the amazon. Next to in-fucking possible.

Just had to share.

I'm in the middle of writing a really long Post, but I just had to share this with you folks. A guy just wondered if there was anything like wireless cable TV where he can just hook a wireless card to his Television set to get a signal. We don't have anything like this for obvious reasons. The guy then said, wow they should invent something like that, I can totally see that coming out sometime soon. Here's a news flash for you jack ass, its called TV! Its been out for around 70 years now. God.

What the hell is going on today. Now I just had a customer call up with a spelling question. When I spelled it for him he hung up on me. He needed me to spell Vonage. What the hell?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Its Christmas, Damnit!

I'm sure right now, if you took a random sampling of blogs on the net you'd find a vast majority of big fat white guys bitching about Kawanza, Chanukkah, or Ramadan, and how political correctness is sucking the life out of the Christmas Holiday. I have a good enough grasp on history to know better then to bitch about this, after all Christmas is only around because the early church wanted to kill off a 'pagan' Roman holiday on the same day. Thats not to say, the Political Correctness doesn't bug me though, it does, just in a different way.

I'd rather see people simply not celebrate Christmas if they don't believe in it then try to create their own made up splinter holidays just so they can fit in. Honestly though, I simply don't care if you celebrate an alternative to Christmas or not. I don't care if you're so anal retentive you scream at a sales clerk for wishing you a 'Merry Christmas', or if you make it your personal mission in life to give everyone who does so a 15 minute lecture. That just makes you an asshole in my book, and not worth bothering with. So despite this, its somewhat surprising to me that what really iritates me seems like such a trivial thing, politically correcting Christmas music.

It just really pisses me off to hear a song such as Joy to the World, sucked dry of any actual reference to the holiday, and then regurgitated for a car commercial. A White Christmas remake just played across the store, rewritten to have Kawanza references. I just don't get the need to rewrite songs, some of which are Hymns so that they contain no references to Christmas. They're Christmas songs, damnit! If you want Kawanza songs, write Kawanza songs. If you want Chanukkah music, write Chanukkah music. If you want generic sappy holiday muzak, write generic sappy holiday muzak. Don't just steal my Christmas music and strip the meaning out of it simply to feel 'a part of the holiday', and don't you dare do it to be more 'politically correct' or to make a damn dollar.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Bandwagon

So once more I've fallen to the whims of popular culture, and joined the throngs of zombies, mindlesly shuffling back and forth to the beat of Dance Dance Revolution. Yes, I bow my head in shame, I have purchased the big plastic mat and accompaning game, and as much as I hate to admit it, I really really do enjoy it.

I was always afraid to try the game at the arcade. There's just no way I was going to get up in front of a bunch of people and flail wildly trying in vain to do something that vaguely represents a dance. Now that I've got the game at home though, it makes it a lot easier. I'm honestly surprised at how much I enjoy it. I figured some of my friends might get a kick out of it, but that there's no way I was going to get sucked into this stupid fad, but after only a few games of it, I'm really craving some more.

I went through about a 10 minute dance routine last night, and really started sweating before I turned it over to Chris and Neal. Chris really seemed to get into it.

Foiled Again!

So my coworkers today were foiled again today, by their nebolous grasp of the English language, and inability to read system specifications. Yesterday they sold three computers, with top of the line video cards, and new wireless cards to one guy, I'm supposed to install it all today. So I get right to it. I unpack all the computers, set them up, then disable the internal display adapter and shut them off. Thats where the fun begins. They sold this guy, top of the line PCI Express cards, problem is, there isn't a PCI Express slot on the computers they sold him. There's no slot at all in fact, just regular PCI slots.

I lifted up my head from working on the machine, and interupt the two employees infront of me, who are gloating over how much money they made off this poor guy, and say, "Ummm guys? Where are the PCI Express cards supposed to go in these machines if they don't have PCI Express slots?" At first they thought I was joking, but that lasted all of five seconds before the accusations started flying. So, and so was supposed to have looked at it. The specifications didn't actually say it didn't have a PC Express slot. The tech should have checked the boxes before he opened them. Blah blah blah. Finally they decided they'd just downgrade the guys computer to a similar model with an AMD processor, but that had PCI Express slots. No time during this entire ordeal did they call the customer in question to explain the situation to him. In addition, rather then putting the computers in open box, they just 'resealed' them and placed them back on the shelf as new so that the store wouldn't lose any money.

I wish I could say things like this didn't happen on a regular basis here, but it seems almost every day someone doesn't bother to read a simple specification on the side of the box. Now we've got 3 computers up on the shelf that have been opened, and messed with, and a customer whose about to get three computers he didn't actually purchase, and we're going to play the stupid game of who blinks first. Seems like an asanine way to handle customer service if you ask me.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Hodge Podge

I'm getting kind of back logged on posts I've been meaning to make, because I don't want to make 10 little tiny posts, so instead, I've decided to just make one big post, with lots of little parts.

The Loft
We really put a lot of hard work on the loft, and its looking sharp. There's only one section left without insulation, the central ceiling, and the only reason we didn't get to that, is the bracing wasn't in place yet. My dad is going to be working the rest of the week on putting up solid wood paneling along the walls, and putting the joists in along the ceiling for the rest of the insulation. When I get home I'll probably help him.

Still on the 23rd. Nothing of any real note beside the fact that I'm really looking forward to it. Again just to put it out there: Party starts at 8, food arrives at 9. Show up, bring friends, significant others, what have you.

Customers are Liars
You know, it makes my job 50 billion times harder when people lie to me. I'm the computer tech, I fix things by troubleshooting. Lying to me on a troubleshooting step simply means we get to spend an extra 10 minutes on the phone together until I figure out that you're lying to me, and unless you're some kind of lonely loser, I don't think you really want that. I honestly couldn't give a rats ass if you look at porn or not, but lying to me isn't going to mean I won't find out. It just means I've got to spend thirty extra minutes trying to find the root of your problem until I stumble across your special little cache.

A sign of things to come
A few of you may have heard me say that my manager is quitting. Tomorrow is in fact his last day, he's leaving to take a position at the Steel Plant in the Engineering department. The problem with this, of course, is how it affects me. My current manager is a great guy, he understands that I work very hard, even though occasionally it might not look like it. He knows that when I'm standing here reading forums, or writing these posts, that I've already straightened up the software aisle (not my job), organized the memory(not my job), checked tags on hardware (not my job), helped any customer that's come up to my booth looking for asistance in other departments (not my job), called everybody on the call list, and either finished the current pile of computers, or have them all going on updates. The other managers, however, are clueless to this stuff. In fact attempts to even tell them about them have lead to outright hostility. One manager in particular has berated me when he found out I was straightening up the software aisle instead of 'working', claiming I was goofing off (this lead to a 2 week period in which the software aisle degenerated back into complete randomness again).

My managers leaving puts me in quite a bind. Not only do the remaining managers believe that I do very little work around here (and resist attempts by me to show this to not be the case), two of them have openly criticized me in public, and made remarks to other staff members that they wouldn't be surprised if I was fired by the end of the year. Now today I come in, and find that my schedules been changed, and I've been given the shittiest hours possible to work. Not only am I working Christmas Eve, but New Years Eve, and New Years Day, all of which I was previously off for since they fell on weekends. In addition, I'm noticing that my hours for January start on a slow steady slide.

*sigh* I really don't know what to do. I've been passively looking for another job since I started working here. Sending out resumes to any interesting looking jobs, but I've never gotten any call backs . The tech sector in Chicago just isn't hiring people, and its next to impossible to get into. I really don't want to move away, not only because I don't have the cash for a move, but because I like it here. I've got a good group of friends who I really enjoy spending time with, and the idea of starting over completely in another section of the country makes me want to cry. Then again, if today is any indication, conditions here are going to continue to degenerate at a fairly rapid pace until continuing to work here isn't an option.

I Work With Five Year Olds, pt II
Apparently the fact that I like Fallout Boy, Death Cab for Cutie, and some other 'girly' bands, as well as the fact that I don't have a girlfriend, and turned down an offer for sex from a coworkers friends has started rumors going around work that I'm gay. *sigh* I love working with these people, so f'ing mature.

New Years Eve
Nothing new, aside from that presently I have to work both days. I'm going to talk with my manager and see if we can work something out, but I'm not holding out hope. I'm also worried that he might use this as an excuse to cut my hours even more heavilly. Here's what I'm planning though. If folks want to start gathering at the loft around 4 pm. I'll have games and movies up there and ready to go for your enjoyment. I'd appreciate if someone could start the grill around 5, so its ready to go at 6. Also if I'm still not back by then I'd really appreciate it if someone could please start the grilling until I get off work.

We started REALLY late thanks to the loft work, so we didn't get to far at all. Most of the day was spent introducing Miles character with a brief battle with Johns undead guy near the end. I still had a lot of fun, I just wish I could have had more fun ;). Hopefully we'll start a bit earlier next time so we can cram more RPing goodness in. I will say its interesting playing a high level artificer. I can cut through most GM plot elements like butter with some sort of invention, or infusion, or wonderous item, but in combat I royally suck. I just can't do the damage of a warrior, and most of my good infusions take to long to cast to be effective. Anyways looking forward to our next get together, and really looking forward to Iron Kingdoms :)

I've heard a rumor that my army buddy Nick is back in town. If so: Hi Nick, I hope you're doing well, and staying safe. I've missed talking with you, and hanging out with you. None of us can get ahold of you, but I'm really hoping to see you at the party or something, or at least before you head back.

My Birthday
I hate my birthday. Nothing good has ever come of it.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Personalize This....

So I just took a personality test up on Miles blog. Not sure how accurate these things are, I tend to think they're kind of like fortune tellers. They try to be as vague as possible, to cover all their bases, but here it is for those few interested parties.

ColorQuiz.comBen took the free personality test!

"Wants to make a favorable impression and be regard..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Loft of Vengence

Just some more news from the loft as we head into the weekend.

Party is still on the 23rd, we'll be gathering at 8:00 pm, with pizza arriving around 9. Presents and the like will be done after the pizza arrives. So far, here's what I've been told folks are bringing. As people talk to me, I'll try and update this post or create a new one.

Val: Spinach dip and Bread.
Nikki: More then likely Pasta Salad.
Miles: Meatballs.
Matt: Pop, maybe some chips.
Sarah: Something.

If anyone feels like bringing an alternative to pizza that'd be great, and we can always use more pop, and snackey crap. Non-pershiable left overs will just go up in the loft for general use.

Loft Work:
Tommorrow the 17th. We'll be starting around noon, and going until 5 or 5:30. The second wall is put up, as is the door. What we need to do, is insulate about 4 sections of the slanted part of the roof, the new wall, and the center section. I'm not sure whats going on with the center, my Dad has, 'a plan'.

New Years:
Still open. If you wanna show up, show up. I'm still trying to get a rough headcount though to know what to get to eat. The plan though is to grill, brats, hotdogs, and hamburgers. And no Matt, you don't have to grill this time ;)


Since you like really bad videos you might get a kick out of this. Stolen from Penny-Arcade.

Interesting story on kilts, and scottish heritage.

A cute little game that was left in my work computer.

Fatty, Fat, Fat

I listen to NPR on the way to work mainly because I can't stand the morning shock jocks on the other stations, and I constantly lose my CD's. While this might mark me as an old foggy or something, it does provide me with an excellent source of unbiased news. One of the news reports this morning, however, really pissed me off. Seems the governor of Illinois, in his infinite wisdom, now wants to ban junkfood in schools. While the governor himself didn't say anything, only addressing school vending machines, there were lots of soundbites from his supporters. Many of these folks saw the law as a way to completely ban any junk food entering the school. One person even equated smuggling junk food into a school to drug sales, and calling for tough punishments for anyone caught doing so. Wow, just wow. You mean a twinkee could get someone in just as much trouble as a joint? Give me a break.

Look, the government just doesn't have the right to tell people how to live their lives, provided that what you do with your life has only a negligible impact on the lives around you. You know good and well that if the government tried a similar ban at the work place people would be up in arms, but since its just school kids who will be affected (and who cares about those little bastards), people just don't see the problem in setting what could be a dangerous precedent. While I doubt it will ever get to the point where we have secret underground twinkee smuggling rings, what other areas of our life might fall under this nebulous concept of 'public health'? Another try at a complete ban on alcohol? A total smoking ban? Only PG movies for sale at retail stores? Mandatory exercise periods? Health warnings on junk food (WARNING!! Eating this snack could cause a heart attack at age 40, shortness of breath during physical activity, and may cause the opposite sex to find you unattractive.)

If I want to eat myself to death on twinkees, drive without a seatbelt, smoke 50 packs of ciggarrettes a day, and chase it all down with a fifth of whiskey, why the hell should the government even care, provided, of course, that I'm not driving with the whiskey. Everyone in America, myself included, is perfectly aware that these things are bad for us. We all have parents, or legal guardians, we don't need the government to act as our baby sitters as well. We're capable of making informed decisions, even the vast majority of high schoolers.

Enough with trying to criminalize every possible health risk let people live their lives the way they want to, and let them accept responsibility for their actions. If a few people want to cry and say they didn't know driving without a seat belt could get them injured or eating that twinkee might make them fat, you smack 'em and say,

Listen fuck-nuts, of course you knew, you just decided to ignore it. Maybe you thought you were invincible, maybe you thought the rules of life didn't apply to you, but you knew it. Now take responsibility for your life, and accept the damn consequences.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Time

I love Christmas, a lot. I love buying people presents. I love the Christmasy smells. I love getting together with friends and family to party and open presents. I even love egg nog. This will be the second year of what I hope will become something of a tradition, the group Christmas party. We had some great times last year, and I hope we have some more wonderful memories this year, but there is one thing that's still nagging me from last year, and it touches on one of my favorite parts of this holiday. Giving presents.

We have a pretty large group of folks, and like any group this size there are people who form its core, and those who are sort of on the outer edges. We hang out together, we even consider each other friends, but we just don't see a lot of each other for one reason or another. There are also others in the group that don't mesh with everyone else, evolving into an ever changing relationship. That's great, but what does that have to do with giving presents? The problem I had last year, and even this year, is three fold.

First I don't want anyone to feel left out because they didn't get anything. With a group this size its inevitable that people get left out, and I absolutely don't want people to feel a lack of friendship, or that they aren't members of 'the group' over a silly little present. To be perfectly honest I don't even like the idea of a defined group. To me if you hang out with me or anyone I know you're a part of 'the group' and welcome over at my place for Christmas or anything else. There isn't some kind of indoctrination, or secret hand shake to get you in. This even includes the annoying guy with glasses who doesn't know when to shut up no matter what (no not me, the other one).

Second, I don't want people to feel like they HAVE to get anyone a present. I know a lot of us, myself included, are strapped for cash this year, so the notion that they might 'have' to get someone something could be pretty stressful. Get someone a present, or don't, just remember that people will appreciate a meaningful present 3 billion times more (made up statistic) then a required gift.

The last point somewhat ties in with the second, but I don't want folks to feel guilty if they got something and didn't have anything to give in return. I personally love the ambush gift. I love getting someone the perfect gift when they didn't see it coming. If you got a present from me, you got it because I thought you'd enjoy it, or put it to good use, not because I thought you'd give me something back. The only people I expect presents from are my sisters and parents.

I know I'm not alone on my feelings towards present giving but I saw a few hurt faces last year, and had enough whispered rumors fall my way that we may wish to consider some kind of Secret Santa thing. Not that I have any authority or anything, its just something I wanted to float out there, give my opinion on, and see if folks were interested.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Short Post

I swear, I work with five year olds here, and I'm so sick of it. While I prefer a more laid back environment some of the shit these people do is insane. The straw that broke the camels back though is what happened this morning. One of the idiot salesman came up behind me with the damn bullhorn, held it next to my ear, and squelched it at full volume. I'm not sure if people are aware, but high volume noise like that hurts, and not just a little bit. I yelled out in pain, cluching my ear, and this asshole runs off laughing. Meanwhile my ear is still ringing, and I have a massive headache. What did the managers do? Oh, don't do it again.

I don't wanna sound like I'm whining, and I definatly don't wanna have the kind of 'oh poor me, the world hates me' type of blog I see so often, but damnit I'm pissed, and I've got a huge headache now.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Friends and Family

One thing I get a lot of as someone who graduated with a computer science major, as well as someone who works in the IT field, is family tech support. If you're a fellow techie, you know all about the calls from friends, neighbors, and family members (and sometimes family members friends) asking you to troubleshoot their systems at all times and places. It gets so bad at some points that you can't even go to family gatherings without at least 3 or 4 tech related questions being bounced off you. Now personally, I don't mind doing it, so don't expect this to be a gripe post about that, what this is, is something of an apology to those friends and family for which I have taken on work.

Just like a fat guy at an all you can eat buffet, sometimes I put more on my plate then I can handle. I take in a few to many 'help a brother' out jobs, then I can reasonably handle, or I get off a long hard day of being yelled at by customers and their insane issues, and I just push stuff back. Sometimes I push things back a day or two, but every once and awhile things fall off my calendar all together. Weeks, or months can go by while the computer sits around collecting dust, and I keep promising 'I'll get to it'. I apologize for this, its a character flaw I've been trying to iron out in myself.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, Matt your computer's finally finished and ready to be picked up.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Something so Terrifying...

Ok, so I just had easily the most creepy worked based experience of my entire life. As Strong Bad would say, I have a serious case of the jibblies. So first things first, the back story.

About 2 months ago we sold this 80 year old man a computer. He was suffering a serious case of TsTo (To stupid to own), and did nothing but belittle and yell at us while we worked on his computer. We attempted to sell him AntiVirus and AntiSpyware software only to be screamed at and told we were trying to screw him out of more money by jacking up the agreed on price. Fine, whatever. Today he came back. Seems he got a virus (and a really nasty hijacker at that), big f'ing surprise.

Well of course because he got a virus on his new computer its our fault for not selling him the protection. He yelled and screwed, and turned bright red until someone finally got him a manager before he had a heart attack. In a disturbing trend, rather then actually deal with the customer, the manager shunted all responsibility on me saying we'll do all the labor on the computer for free. Meanwhile I'm standing behind him shaking my head vigorously 'No'. But its done, we'll do a complete system restore, partial data backup, and software install for free provided he buys the software (Thats 140 bucks in labor if you're counting kiddies).

He comes back an hour later. I ring him up for the software, and already we're having problems. The price is $100 for the AntiVirus, and AntiSpyware set he wants, after mail-in rebate. Well no one told him about the rebate, and of course he starts screaming at me, because he wants it for $100 bucks. Now the manager in all his wisdom never actually told him how much it'd be, he just pointed at the package sign, and said we'd do that for him. Finally I get the customer calmed down, and we start to get down to brass tacks, what he wants saved.

What does he want saved? He wants his DSL service to work on startup. Considering you have to have access to the modem, as well as the phone line from which it'll be dialing (provided the modem hasn't been setup to handle the connection, which from the sounds of it, it wasn't), naturally I can't do this. I attempted to explain this to the man, but he went crazy, cursing and screaming at me. He doesn't understand what I'm talking about, the manager promised, he already paid a fortune on this computer, we're just trying to cheat him, he's not going to pay a dime more, yadayadayada. Naturally all of this punctuated by f'bombs, and vigorous pounding on my table. So I call a manager over to deal with their promise, and you guessed it, more free labor. Not just free labor, we'll go over to his house and set it up for him, free labor. If you're keeping track, we're up to over 300 dollars in free labor now.

This placates the customer, and the manager leaves. So, being the good employee I am, I once more check with the customer on what else he might want saved. Some of you out there might think that whats gone on so far is what freaked me out, but oh no, believe me, thats just a normal day on the job, its what happened next that almost horrified me into a coma.

H: 'Soo umm, you seen those pictures on the internet?'
Oh no, another old man and his porn problems.
M: *looking straight down at shoes* 'Uhh not really.'
H: 'You know, they got them dirty pictures and stuff.'
Damn, couldn't ignore.
M: 'Uh, yeah.'
H: 'They sure got some crazy stuff up there.'
Just keep nodding and smiling and he'll go away, he has to go away, please God let him go away.
M: *still looking away* 'Uh Sure.'
H: 'You know what they got nowadays?'
Oh, God, he's going to talk about his personal fetish. Whats it going to be? Girl on Girl? Urination? If I'm lucky maybe its just Animals. Happy place, I must find my happy place.
M: *with trepidation in my heart* 'Uh no....'
H: 'They got these girls...'
at least its girls.
H: '...but they ain't girls...'
oh God.
H: '...they just look like they're girls.'
no, please no stop now.
H: 'They're actually guys.'
You can stop talking now.... Please, please stop talking now.
H: 'I tell you', *hearty smack across my back*, 'if I was a younger man hahahahaha.'
H: '...reach down there find a pair a balls hahahahahha.'

Ok, this, this alone would have been sufficient, but it was like a train wreck. It just kept coming, and all I could do was stand there, watching in horror as it unfolded. All told this guy talked with me for a good five to six more minutes, minutes where I searched in vain for something sharp to stab into my eye. It just kept getting worse and worse, I won't recount the rest of it to protect the innocent, but it involved construction workers, himself, and his camera.

I need a shower NOW!!!! *shudder*.

The Weekend Review

I hate Monday, I really do. The weekend just goes by way to fast. I didn't get to much accomplished, but I think I'm saving up for this weekend, where I need to get a LOT finished up. I painted a bit, mostly base work, but I did do a bit of detail on some of the figures. Also, finished off Matt's computer, to the point where all I need to do is some driver updates.

On the news front.

Christmas Party:
Is definatly on the 23rd. If you feel like bringing something, bring something. I'll be supplying 2 to 3 pizzas, I believe Sarah mentioned making some kind of food, as did Val. We could use some munchies (chips, pretzels, cookies), as well as some pop. Anything extra of course will go up in the loft.

Loft Work:
Definatly happening on the 17th. We're still unsure about the wall, my dad seems very resistant to anyone but the carpenter building it because of the door install, but I'd really like to get the place fully insulated. If you've got a big stapler, plese bring it. Also wear long sleaves, a sweatshirt would be smart, and work gloves if you've got them.

New Years Eve:
I'll definatly be there, and I'll be grilling, and drinking. If you're planing on celebrating the new year with me, please let me know, so I can figure out how much stuff to purchase. I'm presently taking entertainment suggestions, but we'll have the Xbox, Gamecube, PS2, and N64 up and ready to go.

Every Roleplayer in the group:
If you haven't read this already, go read this. Scroll down to editorials, the RPG.NET stuff.

Friday, December 09, 2005

It Came from the Loft.

Just some more notes from the loft.

Christmas Party:
I'd really like to do the party on the 23rd. I realize, however, that this may be a bit to close to Christmas for some. The only alternative dates would be the 16th or 17th. If those of you with contact information for folks like Miles, and Neal, could get in touch with them and ask them to post their feelings here so we can get the ball rolling, that'd be great. My only real problem with the 16th or 17th is that its a little early, and I've still got presents on their way.

The tentative plan is to put up more insulation on the 17th, but this depends on the second wall being installed. Since it took the carpenter a year to put up the first wall, I'm not filled with hope here. If push comes to shove though, I suppose we can just build the wall ourselves, its not like its rocket science after all, and finnish off the insulation before New Year.

New Years:
I will be having another party this year, even if its only me getting very drunk alone while playing video games. I'll be making some preperations for food and drink, as well as hopefully entertainment.

I'm really looking forward to Roleplaying tommorrow. I honestly don't do enough of it (*hint* *hint*).

I'm going to work on your laptop this weekend. Sorry its taken so long bud.

"No one has ever seen Chuck Norris and Optimus Prime together at the same time. Coincidence?"

X-Men 3 trailer For those who haven't seen it.

I don't know if you've seen this, but you might like it.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Following the crowd.

A friend of mine posted on his blog which sci-fi character he was, so here's mine.

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Apparently I'm pretty solidly gandalf. I even retook it and changed some of the answers I was a little iffy on, still Gandalf. Odd.

The test is over here if anyone else wanted to take it.

My secret passion

Ok, I admit it, I love the gamecube. It might not have the most games out of the current systems, it might not have the best graphics, but its got it where it counts, gameplay.

The Cube definatly has a smaller library then the Xbox, or PS2, but thats not necessarily a bad thing because its got a higher percentage of good titles as a result. Because the Cube is targeted towards a smaller audience less crap makes its way on to the system, as 'bargin value' titles just won't be able to realize a profit. Now with any other company also end up with less inovation as well. The smaller more risky titles are the ones in which companies usually try something new or creative in order to grab market share away from the big budget blockbusters, but this is Nintendo, the home of inovation. Nintendo is fully aware that they aren't going to be around if they continually release the same old shooter but with a different gun every year. Sure they'll recycle their classic characters in many of their games, but the games themselves are very creative.

Mario Baseball, out for the Cube now, is easilly one of the most enjoyable sports games I've ever played. Its not targeted at people wanting a Baseball Sim, its aimed at folks like me, who aren't looking for a perfect recreation of the game, but something fun to play, especially against friends. To make the game more approachable for young people, and the less then sports enthused (again me), Nintendo recycles the classic Mario characters. The game itself is a delight to play full of lots of interesting ways of doing things that you just couldn't manage on a traditional sports sim.

In the end its this innovation and creativity that will end up saving Nintendo in the next round of console wars. While everyone else is going to try and wow us with the same games but with slightly better graphics, Nintendo could potentially change the way games are played in peoples homes. There's always the potential that the Revolution could nose dive like a few of their other 'creative' ideas such as the Virtual Boy, and Powerglove, but to be perfectly honest, I'd rather stick with a company thats actually going to attempt something new even if it doesn't work, then with someone who is just going to rehash the same game, and serve it back to me for 60 extra bucks.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

You are what you wear.

Ok, I had a post about my love for the Gamecube written out when the third person wearing a stupid article of clothing walked by my booth, so I've decided to write about that instead, and save the love for the cube for another day.

Look, I like stupid shirts and clothing as much as the next guy. The stuff at t-shirt hell, while crude and offensive, is also hysterical, but what some of these people wear is just idiotic. Case in point, my first customer of the day walked in wearing a stocking hat that just read, in big red letters, 'Cock'. Ok.......and the joke is? Just saying 'dirty' words (tit hehehehe) stopped being funny in third grade guy. Maybe if there was a picture of a roster flicking you off or more to the joke I'd laugh, but just the word 'Cock'? I suppose he just wanted everyone to know what a dickhead he was.

Another guy was wearing a brown shirt that read, 'I nead head', with a nice little white spurt next to the lettering. In a club or something it might be kinda funny, but walking around an electronics store wearing a shirt that begs women to sleep with you is about as desperate as you can get (Wanna come over and see my hard drive?). I will say, if this where available as a hat it'd be much more funny (unlike the 'cock' hat).

Now its not that I'm offended by these shirts in the least, my use of the english language can at times make Teamsters wail, and English professors knash their teeth, its just that they're bloody stupid things to wear. They aren't funny or humorous in the least (unless found worn in Asia with the appropriate bad grammer), and just mark you as a grade 'A', lets throw blunt objects at, moron. You may as well just wear your pants hicked up to your armpits, a big pocket protector and penny loafers, because anyone laughing as you walk by isn't laughing with you, they're laughing at you.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

More on naming.

When I first started this blog a month ago, I thought to myself, "Self, using your actual name as the URL probably isn't the smartest idea under the seven suns." At the time, however, I really wasn't all that concerned about it. If someone really wants to find out who you are online, they're going to get that information, regardless of how much security you put up, and honestly who takes the crap that people spew online seriously? Well, after reading this post on slashdot, it looks like I'm going to need to change my tune.

To me, the net is 99% made up statistics (like that one) and hot air, with about 1% actual content. The idea that anyone would take something said online seriously, let alone something said on a blog which is just so much verbal diarrhea (like this one) anyways, is just asinine. I suppose I'll just chalk it up to my own naivete and let it go at that but I'm not about to lose any potential job offers just because some HR prick goggled my name and found out that I think my current Store Director is a prick, or that I like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

Until people realize that not everyone in the world is going to like them, or their decisions and that people are entitled to their opinion, I suppose I will have to hide behind a thin, mask of perceived anonymity (or at least a mask that takes a bit more to peak behind then a quick google search).

Monday, December 05, 2005

On Names, and Naming

Its interesting to me how many blogs titles come from the writers 'unusual' view, or grasp on reality. It seems we all think that the way we look at the world is somehow different or unique from the way everyone else looks at the world. My own Blog title has its roots it the same sort of tradition. The whole title was supposed to be, 'A View from the Edge of Known Space', a nod to Larry Niven's excellent universe, Known Space. I shortened it because it was just way to long for the name bar, and 'A View from the Edge', just seemed to flow better.

In some ways its comforting in a society that constantly tries to push us to conform, cramming us into tight little uniforms everyday, and cookie cutter stereotypes, that people still try to push their own uniqueness.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Weekend Notes

Well the weekend went by too quickly once again. It was good to have two days in a row off for a change, and for once I actually managed to accomplish quite a lot.

We insulated a large chunk of the loft. Most of the right side of the building is finally covered, as is the new wall. We've made plans to install another wall on the left side, and insulate that as well. Hopefully that will happen in the next week or two. I'm going to see if we can get together again to finish off the right side, and center this weekend. In addition to the insulation we hauled more stuff to the garbage, and made even more room. The second TV and playstation now have there own little area, and we can fit people comfortably around the glass table (as soon as I clean it off).

Roleplaying on Saturday was very fun. We didn't get that far. Considering the idea for the group is just to teach younger people what roleplaying is all about, it's not all that surprising. We did have a few truly classic moments. Steve's character ended up getting seduced by the daughter of one of the countries leading council, and was caught in a comprimising situation. While trying to explain to the rest of the party why it wasn't his fault, he stopped to say out of character, 'Look I'm trying to think of serious way to say this.' This was promptly followed by, 'She fixed my staff and made it shoot stuff.' Needless to say, we left him to his fate after five minutes of laughing.

Got a lot of painting accomplished this weekend to, so things are certainly improving. I'm not looking forward to work tommorrow, but hopefully it won't be so bad.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Notes from the Loft

I don't think anyone actually reads this thing, but just in case they do, here's a few notes.

We'll be working on the loft this weekend. The plan is to finish off the new wall and door at the very least. What we'd like to get done though is to insulate the entire right hand side of the building, and then do another scrubbing down. Anyone in the area is welcome to lend a hand, the more hands we get the more we'll get done. We'll be starting at noon, and working until Roleplaying starts at around six.

A happy birthday goes out to a special someone, you know who you are :)

Matt and Chris, check out this link to an interesting contest. If either of you are interested I can lend you the related material to get started.

Miles, if you haven't seen this yet, I think you'll laugh your pants off at this link.

Also, I'll be doing a christmas party sometime at my house after everyone gets back from college. If you've got any ideas or suggestions, just send 'em to me.

That sounds like its about it, so have a good day everyone.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

When the rules get in the way....

So I was all set to post about something completly different today, and then my 'store director' pulls the most asanine stunt possible which has me fuming mad. First off to understand whats going on, a little backstory. In most companies, breaks are given to give the employees a bit of a rest period. Something to refresh themselves and go back to work. Where I work, however, breaks are designed strictly to extend the amount of time a worker is at the workplace in such a way that the company does not have to pay any money out of pocket. They don't exist for the benifit of the worker, they exist for the benifit of the employer.

Here's how the system works. You're scheduled to 'work' 37.5 hours, however, they schedule you for hour breaks every day. You work 6 days a week, so despite being scheduled for 37.5 hours, and being at work that long, you end up being paid for only 31.5. Thus screwing you out of 6 hours you were at the place for. The upper managers then profit off this scheme in two ways.

First off, employees who complain about not being scheduled for enough hours are given more days to work. On paper this looks because they get a few more hours, but once you figure in the breaks, they often wind up losing hours, or barely getting ahead.

Second, upper level managers recieve bonuses for keeping employee hours down below their scheduled alotment every month. To make this entire situation even more aggrivating, people on break are routinly pulled off and forced to go back to work if things get busy. Because of the way the system rounds hours down to the nearest 15 minutes most employees get screwed out of even more time.

Now I've worked at a few places in my life that have had similar policies, however, in every faceless corporation, there's always a few good apples who are understanding to the workers plight. In each of these places, and even at my current job until recently, I was able to just skip my 'breaks' and work through the day. Unfortunatly all good things come to an end. Our third replacement store director apparently learned that I didn't take any breaks and approached me about it a month ago. He gave some long song and dance about corporate responsibility, and treating employees with respect, and how its state law that I take a break. Now I've been through this before, its not mandatory that I take a break, its mandatory that it be offered. I had to sign a waiver at my last job, and everything was fine so I know he's full of shit. The upshot is that I'm now required to take at least one 30 minute break every day I worked.

Enter today. I schedule all my work so I can take a break at 2:30. I go on break, and part way through the store director bursts in.

'Ben there's a woman by your desk, go out there and help her.'
Ahhh, no, I'm on break.
'Fine you can punch in and help her.'
Ahh, no, I'm still on break. Besides, if I do that it won't count anyways, the system rounds to the nearest fifteen.
'Look man, you need to go out there and help her, I don't have anyone else on the floor.'
Hey, you're the one who ordered me to take mandatory 30 minute breaks every day.
'Fine, I'm also the one ordering you to go out there to go take care of this woman right now. I'm the store director, you don't argue with me.'

So apparently despite the fact that these are supposedly 'mandatory' breaks, I'm 'required' to take because of 'Indiana law', if the Store Director demands it none of this matters. Fairly idiotic, and the whole reason I never took breaks to begin with.

Between getting a customer attacked over an Xbox 360 because he allowed a manager to hold one, the 15 minute lecture on how even if I waited in line I couldn't buy one because corporate policy forbids any employee (himself and the district manager included he claimed) from purchasing the item, forcing me to make 100 copies of a copyrighted CD for 'store use', and this the guys really starting to get on my nerves.